
Types of Petitions

From time to time students may need to ask for special consideration in their academic work or for exceptions to be made to the academic regulations. Such requests normally arise as a result of their being affected by something outside their control, such as an illness, accident or the death of a family member. Very occasionally students may find themselves in a situation not foreseen by the regulations or feel that they have been unreasonably affected by a deviation from University Policy or approved practice. If you find yourself in such a situation, it is important that you follow the appropriate procedures and meet any published deadlines. You should seek special consideration only when there are circumstances which are not only beyond your control, but which you could not reasonably have anticipated or overcome, and which have seriously affected your studies.

If you take courses at another campus, refer to the Faculty of Arts & Science and/or the University of Toronto Mississauga Calendars for regulations regarding their courses. You are responsible for observing the regulations governing any courses you take on other campuses. However, all UTSC students must adhere to UTSC deadlines for petitions and appeals, irrespective of the campus on which the course is taken.

Non-petitionable matters

  • Fee refunds
  • Most term work
  • Late enrolment in a course after the published deadline
  • Minor illnesses - students are expected to make every effort to write exams and complete assignments
  • Matters involving the conduct of an instructor, grading practices, and course organization should be dealt with the relevant academic department