
Track Your Progress on Degree Explorer

This tool will help you make sure that you're on track for graduation. 澳门六合彩开奖接口 students must complete 20 credits comprised of UTSC program and degree requirements in order to be eligible to graduate. Use  to keep track of which requirements are completepending, or incomplete.

One-on-One Support

You may also meet with a Program Supervisor / Advisor to review your requirements and academic goals. 

We encourage you to book a Degree Review appointment with the Academic Advising & Career Centre to ensure that you have met (or are going to meet) all of your requirements. An Academic & Learning Strategist can help you create an academic plan for the year(s) ahead.

Program Requirements

At UTSC, there are 180 programs listed in the Calendar, each with their own requirements, which may also change from year to year. You will follow the program requirements listed in the Calendar for the session that you enrolled in the program. Program Advisors and Supervisors have the authority to grant program exceptions for their programs. Departments may not waive degree requirements.

  • Example: If you enrolled into a program in Winter 2014, you may follow the 2014-2015 Calendar, or any subsequent Calendar.

Degree Requirements 

For your degree requirements, you will be evaluated based on the criteria listed in the Calendar of the year you started at UTSC, or any subsequent Calendar.

  • Example: If you were admitted for Fall 2015, you will follow the degree requirements in the 2015-2016 Calendar, or any subsequent Calendar.