
Studying at Other Universities

Woman by a waterfall

UTSC students interested in taking courses at other universities, and wish to receive credit for their efforts have several opportunities.

Student Exchange

The University of Toronto has partnered with more than 125 universities in over 30 different countries around the world. This program provides upper year students (second and third year) excellent opportunities to experience new cultures, and learn new languages while earning transferable credits that can be used toward their U of T degree. Students pay standard U of T tuition fees.


Application and program details, deadlines and other information can be found on the  website.

Academic Requirements

  • Must be in good standing and have completed at least 4.0 full credits
  • Minimum annual GPA of 2.5 and cumulative GPA of 2.25 required, however some institutions or program may require a higher GPA

Transfer Credits

  • Up to a maximum of 7.5 credits may be transferred for three semesters of exchange. Further restrictions may apply if you previously received transfer credit(s).
  • Students normally select a combination of program and elective courses.
  • Only Arts, Science or Management courses are eligible for transfer at the undergraduate level only.
  • To determine UTSC transfer credits, detailed course outlines can be sent to: utsc.exchangecredit@utoronto.ca

U of T Summer Abroad

This program is designed to enrich your academic experience by providing exciting and educational international experience to compliment your studies. Small classes of approximately 25 students are taught by University of Toronto professors or faculty from the host institution and can vary in duration (3-6 weeks between May and August). All classes, with the exception of language courses, are taught in English, and are eligible for degree credit. These courses and grades appear on your transcript as a regular U of T credit, and is calculated into your cumulative GPA.


Program details, deadlines, financial aid information, and the application form can be found on the  website.

EXPLORE - Second Language Summer Program

This five week intensive language-learning course is offered during the summer at various institutions across Canada.

Letter of Permission

You must first receive permission from the University by applying for a  through the Admissions & Student Recruitment Office. For questions and support, please contact the .