
Appeals Process

highland hall stairs

Tier 1: Office of the Registrar

Petitions are reviewed at the Registrar's Office, where they are granted or refused. If your petition has not been granted, you have the opportunity to appeal the decision, whereby your petition will be reviewed by additional University Committees and Councils in the following order: 

Tier 2: Review by the Dean's Advisory Committee

At this point, your petition has already been reviewed by the Registrar's Office, and has been refused for not meeting sufficient criteria to grant you an exception. We recommend that you meet with an Academic & Learning Strategist to review your petition.

You must submit your 鈥淩equest for Review of Petition Decision鈥 no later than ninety days after your petition has been denied by the Office of the Registrar. You may access the Request for Review of Petition Decision Form here. Successful "Request for Review of Petition Decision" often provide additional detailed information, further explanations, or new documentation that offers a new perspective. You will be notified about the decision of the Dean鈥檚 Advisory Committee on eService.

  • Please package this request as ONE complete PDF document and submit to petitionsadmin.utsc@utoronto.caThe package should include your original petition statement, the response you received and supporting documents as ONE complete PDF package, not as several separate PDF files. 
  • Naming convention of file as FirstName_LastName_PetitionNo.
  • In the subject heading of the email, title it 鈥淩equest for Review of Petition Decision鈥 and petition number (PT12345) of the petition you are submitting this review for. 

Tier 3: The Subcommittee on Academic Appeals

If your appeal to the Dean's Advisory Committee is denied, you may appeal to the Subcommittee on Academic Appeals.

You must submit your request no later than ninety days after your second refusal is communicated to you. Students are required to fill out the . Supporting documentation is essential in this process and strengthens any case. Please submit your Notice or Appeals form and any supporting documents to Nisha Panchal, Secretary of the Subcommittee on Academic Appeals by e-mail at nisha.panchal@utoronto.ca

To speak with someone about the process or supporting documentation, please contact:

Nisha Panchal, Student Conduct and Academic Integrity Officer


(416) 287-7566


Final Tier: Academic Appeals Committee of Governing Council

If your appeal to the Subcommittee on Academic Appeals is denied, the final appeal may be made to the Academic Appeals Committee of Governing Council. This is the most formal panel, chaired by someone with legal expertise. Students are more inclined to seek legal council and/or assistance at this level, although it is not mandatory. The normal time for a hearing and response at this level may extend from several months to almost a year.

You must submit your request for an appeal no more than ninety days after the decision being appealed has been communicated to you. An appeal is commenced by filing a  form to the Director or Coordinator of Appeals Committee.

For information:

The Academic Appeals Committee of the Governing Council
University of Toronto
Simcoe Hall, Room 106
27 King's College Circle
Toronto, ON M5S 1A1

Telephone: 416-978-6576