
Re-Read Petitions

After your final grades are submitted, you may submit a petition within 90 days of the relevant exam period to request a re-reading of a final exam or of term work that was returned to you at the end of the semester. When submitting this type of request, you believe that your work was misevaluated. You must:

  • Clearly articulate your grounds for reconsideration.
  • Specifically identify the answer(s) where you feel the mark you were given was not evaluated fully.
  • Show that the alleged misevaluation is of a substantial nature.
  • In an objective answer, demonstrate that a correct answer was not counted correctly.
  • In a subject or essay answer, demonstrate that the response has been under evaluated substantially.
  • Provide relevant documentation to support your argument (i.e., class notes, lecture slides, etc.) and highlight specific sections that relate to your argument.

Evidence or documentation to support your argument must be submitted within your petition, as well as a copy of the final exam (when available).  See instructions on /registrar/order-exam-copy 

Please be aware that if the grade is changed, the amended grade will stand whether it is higher or lower than the original grade. 

EXAM RE-READ PETITIONS require a non-refundable $37 fee.

You will receive a response on eService when your petition has been processed. This can take a few weeks, as it depends on response from the instructor or the academic department.