
Applying for Awards

two students winning awards

Unlock all UTSC Scholarships with Just One Application

Applying for scholarships is now easier than ever! 澳门六合彩开奖接口 students can submit just one application through the Awards Profile to be considered for UTSC application-based scholarships and awards. 

2024 - 2025 Application Period Award Notifications 
Sept 16, 2024 - March 15, 2025 Late August - Early September, 2025. Check your application status on the Awards Profile.

How to apply

1.  with your UTORid and password.

2. You have until March 15  to complete/make changes to your application. 

3. Upload one reference letter to the Awards Profile (maximum two each year you apply).

  • A reference letter should validate the content of your application; it can be written by anyone who can attest to your leadership experience, extracurricular activities and talents (e.g. a professor or high school teacher, work supervisor or coach).


For any questions, please contact awards.utsc@utoronto.ca.

Scholarships and Awards

Please note that award amounts are approximate and may be higher or lower than those listed below. 

Award Name Amount  Conditions
Aaron Jingyi Chen Memorial Award $1000 This award will be provided to one or more undergraduate students at the 澳门六合彩开奖接口 with a minimum 3.0 GPA who demonstrate a commitment to community/voluntary service. Preference will be given to students from the Department of Historical and Cultural Studies, Department of Arts and Media Studies, and Department of English and students who have overcome challenging personal circumstances.
Branko Vojnovic U of T at Scarborough AccessAbility Award $1,000 Awarded to an undergraduate student entering second, third or fourth year at U of T at Scarborough who is registered with AccessAbility Services and/or has special educational needs due to a disability/challenge as defined under the human rights code, is in good academic standing and displays a drive for learning. Preference is given to students enrolled in Management programs.
Brian David Radford Memorial Scholarship in Management $2,000 Awarded to one or more students entering the third or fourth year of a Management programme whose academic and athletic achievement, combined, best exhibit dedication to excellence (Min. GPA of 3.3/B+)
C.K. Govind Excellence Award $1,200 Awarded to a full-time undergraduate student entering fourth year of study in the programs of Integrative Biology or Neuroscience. In addition to academic excellence (min. cumulative GPA 3.3 / B+), a candidate must demonstrate a commitment to enhancing the lives of other people, by their volunteer work within the community. Candidates must be Canadian Citizens or Permanent Residents.
Canadian Federation of University Women (CFUW) Scarborough In-Course Scholarships $2,000
Two awards will be given to students entering the second, third or fourth year of a degree in Psychology who have demonstrated outstanding leadership qualities in their school or community, and who:
i) is a Canadian Citizen or permanent resident
ii) has a good academic record (minimum B/3.0 GPA/approximately 75%) and
iii) demonstrates financial need.
Elizabeth Marie Bain Community Spirit Award $2,000
The award will be given to a student entering second, third or fourth year who has actively contributed to 澳门六合彩开奖接口 and/or the community. The recipient will:
i) show consistent involvement in extra-curricular activity, 
ii) have a good academic record (min. B/3.0 GPA approx. 75%),
iii) be in financial need.
Feldberg Family Scholarship in Social Sciences $1,500
Awarded to an undergraduate student entering third or fourth year who:
(i) is enrolled in a program sponsored by the Social Sciences Department with preference given to a student enrolled in a Political Science Program, 
(ii) is involved in extracurricular/community activity and
(iii) has shown outstanding improvement in their academic standing while studying under challenging personal circumstances. 
This person has overcome adversity, of any kind, in their life and continues to strive for excellence in the areas of academics, extracurricular and community involvement.
Gigi Pang and Family Sports Scholarships $1,000 Awarded to one full-time undergraduate student at 澳门六合彩开奖接口 on the basis of financial need, who is in good academic standing and who has demonstrated athletic excellence.
Inclusive Excellence Award in Biological Sciences $1,000 To be awarded to (a) full-time, undergraduate student(s) at 澳门六合彩开奖接口 entering 2nd year enrolled in the Department of Biological Sciences on the basis of demonstrated passion for biology through extracurricular and/or community involvement and is Black or Indigenous. Financial need will be taken into consideration.
Justine Blainey-Broker Award $500 Given to an undergraduate student enrolled at 澳门六合彩开奖接口 who is in good academic standing and with demonstrated volunteerism. Special consideration will be given to students demonstrating athletic involvement.
Krystal Koo and ACCI alumni Leadership Award $1000 Awarded to (a) full-time, undergraduate student(s) at 澳门六合彩开奖接口 who has completed 1st, 2nd or 3rd year. Preference for a student who graduated from Albert Campbell Collegiate Institute high school with demonstrated leadership in their community.
Kwong-Loi Shun Award $1,000 To be awarded to a student entering third or fourth year, who has already completed 1 FCE related to Asian studies or Buddhist studies and who plans to continue courses in these areas. Preference will be given to students who demonstrate academic merit (minimum GPA 3.0) and who participate in campus life, fostering cross-cultural connections.
Mary Anne V. Chambers Imani Mentor Award $2,000 Awarded to one Black full-time domestic student entering second, third or fourth year, participating as a mentor in the Imani Academic Mentorship program on the basis of financial need and demonstrated leadership in the Imani Academic Mentorship Program at 澳门六合彩开奖接口.
Prudential Ability Award $7,500
Awarded to an undergraduate student entering second, third or fourth year at 澳门六合彩开奖接口 who has special educational needs due to a physical or learning disability who:
i) has demonstrated outstanding leadership qualities in their school or community
ii) is a Canadian Citizen or Permanent Resident
iii) has a good academic record (minimum B average/3.0 GPA/approx. 75%). For applicants that have a cumulative GPA that is less than 3.0, but have increased to a minimum of 3.0 in the most recent sessional GPA since diagnosis and/or supports have been implemented to compensate for the disability, should explain their GPA, and 
iv) demonstrates financial need. Preference is normally given to full-time students. However, students who are not enrolled in a full-time course load may explain the reasons for carrying a part-time course load.
Prudential Management and Economics Award $7,500
Awarded to a full-time undergraduate student entering second, third or fourth year in a programme in the Department of Management and Economics who has demonstrated outstanding leadership qualities in their school or community who:
i) is a Canadian Citizen or Permanent Resident;
ii) has a good academic record (minimum B average/3.0 GPA/approximately 75%);  and
iii) demonstrates financial need 
Prudential Spirit Award $7,500
Awarded to a full-time undergraduate student entering second, third, or fourth year who has demonstrated outstanding leadership qualities in their school or community who:
i) is a Canadian Citizen or Permanent Resident
ii) has been a Toronto resident for at least 5 years
iii) is a graduate of a secondary school in Toronto
iv) has a good academic record (minimum B average/3.0 GPA/approx. 75%) and 
v) demonstrates financial need.
van den Thillart Leadership Award for Canadian Immigrants $1,500 Awarded to a student entering the second, third or fourth year of the Co-op Program in Management, on the basis of excellent academic achievement, demonstrated leadership experience, and financial need. To be eligible for the scholarship, applicants must have been born outside of Canada, and be either a permanent resident or citizen of Canada.