
Supporting Documents

A petition is your request to the University to make an exception to an academic regulation. It is important to include documents that support your request for an exception. 

Documents supporting petitions need to be submitted at the time of the petition or within 5 business days (3 business days for deferred exams). Documents can be uploaded in the petition in eService. While electronic copies of supporting documents can be submitted with a petition, the Office of the Registrar reserves the right to request original documents for verification. Petitions without supporting documentation or refusing to produce original documents on request will result in a cancelled petition. 

Submitting your documents

  • A petition request must include supporting documents that verify the claims made in your personal statement
  • Be ready to upload your supporting documents at the time that you submit your petition. You have upto 5 days to submit your supporting documents. Documents cannot be uploaded after this time.
  • A must be completed by medical practitioners that are listed on the form is required, for petitions due to health-related issue. A photo/image of a COVID-19 positive test is not considered a legitimate supporting document.
  • When using the Verification of Illness or Injury form, you need to seek medical assistance as soon as possible, to verify that you were ill at the time, and not after the illness has passed, particularly, for missed examinations. 
  • Please ensure that all VOI forms are complete and include your name, your student number and signature. Forms submitted without this identifying information will not be acceptable. Medical practitioners are required to add their registration number and name of licensing body (e.g. CPSO number for doctors). Forms must include a clear name of the practitioner, address, and phone number of the clinic in order to verify the authenticity of the note.
  • All documents must be PDF, MSWord, or JPEG only. Other formats will not be accepted, and documents that are restricted and require permission to open will not be deemed acceptable and could result in denial of petition.
  • Follow this naming convention for each document: Name_StudentNo_Name of document_dateofsubmission e.g. SSmith_1122334455_VerificationofIllness_April252024  
  • Choose *ALL* documents for upload at the same time. Your file name or number of files will show up to confirm what you have attached to the petition. Your file(s) will NOT be saved or uploaded until you submit this petition.   

Students registered with AccessAbility Services at UTSC 

If your current illness or injury is not related to your AccessAbility Services registration (e.g., the flu), use the . &²Ô²ú²õ±è;

If your current illness or injury is directly connected to a registered disability with AccessAbility Services, please contact your Disability Consultant as soon as you experience a new occurrence that interferes with your academic obligations to discuss which supporting documents you should submit.  

Other documentation 

Aside from medical documentation, other statements can certainly be relevant to support the statement you provided in your petition, such as: 

  • A death certificate or funeral notice 
  • A police accident report 
  • A travel ticket, itinerary and/or email confirming date of booking (only essential travel is eligible)  
  • A letter from your employer if you have to work 

Documents that are in a language other than English require an official translation, with the seal and signature of the translator. 

Fraudulent documents 

Under the, the University of Toronto reserves the right to enact tribunal sanctions for students who are convicted of forging documents or providing false information. This includes, but is not limited to:  

  • Suspension from attendance in a course, or courses, a program, an academic unit or division, or the University for such a period of time up to five years as may be determined by the Tribunal. &²Ô²ú²õ±è;
  • Expulsion from the University by recommendation by the Tribunal to the President and Governing Council. Expulsion shall mean that the student shall be denied any further registration at the University in any program, and the student's academic record and transcript shall record this sanction permanently.