
Request to Enrol in 3.5 Credits


The standard course load at UTSC is 2.5 credits per semester. You may enroll in a maximum of 3 credits on ACORN and this is considered a heavy course load. UTSC students who wish to enroll in an additional half credit, must submit their request on eService during the appropriate request period. Effective Summer 2024, the following criteria must be met for requests to take 3.5 credits to be considered:

  • Have a cumulative GPA of at least 2.50.
  • Have obtained at least 12 credits, not including courses that are in progress.
  • Demonstrated recent success in managing multiple terms with standard course loads (at least 2.5 credits) with strong academic achievement.
  • Able to demonstrate that not taking 3.5 credits in the requested term results in an immediate barrier to graduation within the next graduation period that cannot be resolved without taking 3.5 credits.

You may not enroll in 3.5 credits if you are a:

  • BBA student. If you are seeking an exception in order to take more than 3 credits, please consult the instructions in the Calendar
  • Student on academic probation
  • Student with any sort of course load restriction
  • Student attempting to 'catch-up' after multiple terms with reduced course loads or poor academic performance.


  • To access the Request to Enrol in 3.5 Credits form please login to eServiceThe form will be found under requests when the request period is open.  You should include the full course code information for the additional course you are requesting in your submission.  Please note that requests are evaluated on individual merit/circumstances and will include a full review of your academic history and Degree Explorer record.  Not all requests are approved.
  • Ensure that you meet all course requirements for the course you wish to enrol in and that space is available; this is your responsibility.  Students are also advised not to enroll in courses that conflict with each other as there is no obligation for either course to accommodate the other for any conflicts (class time, labs, tutorials, assessments).
  • Requests to take 4.0 credits in a semester will not be considered under any circumstances.
Semester Request Period
Summer 2024 F and Y session April 8 - May 8, 2024
Summer 2024 S-session  May 29 - June 26, 2024
Fall 2024 August 1 - September 11, 2024
Winter 2025 December 2 - January 14, 2025 

How the decision will be communicated to you:

  • You will receive decisions regarding your request in eService