
Service Fees

utsc academic resource centre

Special requests are accommodated at the Registrar's Office for a fee as listed below. These fees are subject to change at any time by the authority of the Vice-Provost and Assistant Vice-President (Planning and Budget), and are non-refundable unless otherwise stated with an asterisk (*).

Accepted credit cards include: Visa, MasterCard, American Express, and Discover. 

Confirmation of enrolment letter (including RESP) - $11.25

  • In person: credit card or debit
  • eService: credit card 

Clerical check of marks - $15*

  • In person: credit card or debit
  • eService: credit card

Copy of final examinations - $16

  • In person: credit card or debit
  • eService: credit card

Deferred exam (UTSC) - $73.50 for one, or $147 for two or more

  • In person: credit card or debit
  • eService: credit card

Duplicate documents - $5

  • In person: credit card or debit

Late graduation request - $100

  • In person: credit card or debit

Late registration penalty - maximum $130*

  • In person: credit card or debit
  • eService: credit card
  • A partial refund may be issued to qualifying students.

Re-enrolment Request Form - $26.50

  • In person: credit card or debit
  • eService: credit card
  • This is a non-refundable fee

Re-read of a final exam - $37

  • In person: credit card or debit
  • eService: credit card

Replacement TCard - $20

  • In person: credit card or debi