
Co-op & OSAP Forms

How to apply for OSAP

It is always best to be conservative when applying for OSAP. Depending on the sequence for your work term, see the information below on when and how to apply for OSAP funding.

I don’t want funding during a co-op work term

  1. Seeking for a Fall Work Term
    • Apply for OSAP in June for Winter Only (January to April)
    • If you get a work term, submit an application, in late August, for Interest Free Status for the Fall (September to December)
    • If you don’t get a work term, and will study full time instead, use the Request to Change My Study Period form to request funding consideration for both the Fall & Winter terms
  2. Seeking for a Winter Work Term
    • Apply for OSAP in June for Fall only (September to December)
    • If you get a work term, submit an application, in mid to late December, for Interest Free Status for the Winter co-op work term (January to April)
    • If you don’t get a work term, and will study full time instead, apply for an extension of OSAP funding for the Winter semester by submitting the OSAP Reinstatement Request.
  3. Applied for OSAP Funding for Fall & Winter but I will study full time in only one of the Semesters
    • If you accidently applied for two terms of funding, but will not be studying full time for the two semesters, you must update your application:
      • Fall Work Term – complete the Request to Change My Study Period form to change your Fall/Winter funding to Winter Only and then submit the application for Interest Free Status for the Fall semester
      • Winter Work Term - complete the Request to Change My Study Period form to change your Fall/Winter funding to Fall Only and then submit the application for Interest Free Status for the Winter semester in late December.
    • Update your application as soon as you know your situation!

I need funding during my co-op work term

OSAP considers a required co-op work term to be full time.  If you will be going on a work term and taking one or two courses, you must use the Full-Time OSAP application if you want help with the tuition fees.  After accepting a position, you will be able to provide income for the term.  Use the Official Co-op Work Term Request for Full Time OSAP Assistance to request funding.  Please note that we have two forms (see below):

  1. Fall/Winter (usually available in August)
  2. Summer (usually available in March)

There is a section on this form to indicate whether you will be taking one or two courses during the work term. When we process the form, we will update the costs on your application so that OSAP uses the costs to calculate your assistance.

How to keep previous loans Interest Free when not receiving funding

It is important that you keep your student loan account up to date with your registration status.  OSAP considers you to be a full-time student when you are completing a required co-op work term and you are eligible to keep any previous loans interest free and non-repayable.  To update your status with the National Student Loans Service Centre, you must submit an application for Interest Free Status (CIFS).  The earliest you can submit the CIFS application is 15 days before the beginning of the study period.

You can find the application by logging in to your OSAP account.  Go to Start a New Application and choose Interest Free Status.  Failing to keep your full-time registration up to date, could cause negative consequences, such as entering repayment earlier than you should.

Interest Free Status and 8-month co-op work term

You’ve accepted a position for 8 months of employment and even though you apply for CIFS for the 8 months, the University may confirm your full time status for 4 months only.  You need to monitor what happens after you submit your application. If this happens you will need to submit a second application.  The reason for this relates to how U of T updates your registration status on ACORN. 

  1. Fall/Winter work term:  the university may update the Winter semester in late Fall.  We will confirm full-time status for the Fall only if the application is being reviewed in late August or early September.  In this case you will need to submit a second CIFS application in mid to late December.
  2. Winter/Summer work term: You will have to submit two CIFS applications.  One for the Winter semester and a second for the Summer semester.
  3. Summer/Fall work term: you will have to submit two CIFS applications: one for the summer and a second for the Fall semester.

More details about CIFS (deadlines, etc) can be found here.

Deadline to submit co-op form

  • As soon as possible, but no later than 2 months before the end of the relevant semester in which you are receiving funding

How to submit this form

We encourage and prefer students to upload OSAP related forms to their accounts on the OSAP website. Signatures are not mandatory if an online submission is made.

  1. Upload Form to your OSAP account: upload a pdf (under 2MB). Use the Optional Upload link and choose Application Update.
  2. Email Form to the Registrar’s Office: If you are unable to upload the form on the OSAP website, you can email it to our office. You must use your U of T email account. Please include your name and student number in your submission. Email to: askro.utsc@utoronto.ca