
Credit / No Credit Courses

Credit / No Credit Courses

When you enrol in a course, ACORN will give you the option to declare Credit / No Credit during the request period. This option will allow you to complete a course and have it count toward your degree credits that you need to graduate, but it will have no impact on your GPA. Instead of earning a numerical grade, a "CR" or "NCR" notation will appear in its place on your transcript. 

  • Degree students can request a maximum of 2 credits to be assessed as Credit / No Credit.
  • May only be used for elective courses (electives are additional courses taken outside your program/s) and not program requirements.
  • Program requirements and supervised study/independent study courses are not eligible.
  • To earn a credit or CR notation, you must have a final grade of at least 50%
  • Grades below 50% will not earn a grade, and a notation of NCR will appear on your transcript. 
  • As this policy is only available to degree students, they may not designate courses as CR/NCR if they will be graduating with an Honours degree during the term in which the course is taken (or any subsequent term) as their status will change to non-degree after the graduation ceremony. For example, if you are enrolled in the Summer semester and are graduating in June, and declare CR/NCR for the summer course, this designation will be void, and invalid at the time of completion. This designation will be removed and a percentage grade will appear on your transcript. 
  • The numerical/letter grade in courses taken on a CR/NCR basis will not appear on the transcript and will not be unofficially released or reported in any way. This grade will not be released to the student.

View the Credit/No Credit request periods on the Academic Dates section of our website.