
Letters of Accommodation

The role of AccessAbility Services is to determine an appropriate accommodation plan.  This plan, and how to implement the plan, is disclosed to instructors through a Letter of Accommodation.
Students are not required by law to "deliver accommodation letters directly to professors, instructors, etc." (OHRC, 2018, p. 82). At UTSC, instructors can access the accommodation letter by logging into the faculty portal
As students register with AccessAbility Services or choose to access accommodations at any time instructors can expect to receive notifications of accommodation at any point in the term.
Privacy: The nature or specific type of disability is not included on any letter of accommodation. Instructors have a responsibility in the accommodation process to ensure privacy and confidentiality.  As such, instructors should not ask students about the nature of their disability or diagnosis.

View Accommodation Letters on myAIMS

Course instructors can view their students' Accommodation Letters online via myAIMS.  This module was designed to improve communications and allow faculty to conveniently reference which students in their courses are currently requesting accommodations.   


Tips: [PDF]

Faculty Accommodation Letter FAQ

The auto-emails related to Accommodation Letters cannot be "turned off" for a specific course or faculty member. However, there are very effective tools that can assist with managing these emails, so that they can be accessed if needed, but not add to the volume of your inbox.  Please view this guide on for some helpful tips.

We understand that, for some large classes, course instructors have opted to have a TA or a course coordinator be the primary contact for communications from AccessAbility Services. This must be done on a course-by-course basis each term. In doing so, it is important to note that all emails from AccessAbility Services related to that course, including those related to tests and exams, as well as auto-email notifications of Accommodation Letters, will go to this alternate contact.

In short, yes.  AccessAbility Services can grant employees access upon request for those who need to know to information to implement accommodations.

The Accommodation Letter emails contain a secure link to the Accommodation Letter within myAIMS.  In order to access this link, a TA would need have system access to the course information, and be . Course contacts in myAIMS are synched to ROSI/ACORN but can be manually changed by AccessAbility Services staff.

Primary contact = default synched to our system by ACORN/ROSI.  This is usually the course instructor.  This person will have access to the course in myAIMS and receive the auto-emails from our system regarding Accommodation Letters and tests/exams.

Secondary contact = default synched to our system by ACORN/ROSI.  This is often a secondary instructor or course coordinator.  This person will have access to the course in myAIMS but will NOT receive the auto-emails from our system.

Upon request, TA's can be added manually by AccessAbility Services in order to access course Accommodation Letters in myAIMS.  Please note that we do not have tiered access levels for myAIMS for Course Instructors at this time. Therefore if a TA is added as a secondary contact, they will have full access to the course and functions within myAIMS and be able to view and confirm letters of Accommodation, and confirm details for tests and exams.

If you would like to have a TA added to your course myAIMS access, please email us at ability.utsc@utoronto.ca, providing the TA's name and email address.

Students may register with AccessAbility Services, or choose to access accommodations, at any time.  As such, instructors should expect to receive notifications of accommodation at any point throughout the term. 

Accommodation Letter emails are triggered once a student reviews and confirms that they want their approved accommodations to be activated for your course. Students must complete this step before they can access other modules in myAIMS (e.g. booking an accommodated test or setting up peer note taking accommodations). 

Yes.  The process to review the Accommodation Letter has two steps.  Step 1 asks faculty to read the letter via an HTML link.  And Step 2 asks faculty to confirm receipt of the letter.  The step to confirm receipt of the letter allows faculty to track which letters are new.

The main Accommodation Letter page in myAIMS shows a grid of all courses and accommodation letters.  There are columns which show the date the letter was available, and date letter was confirmed.

For comprehensive information on accommodation guidelines for students with disabilities please visit the 

For resources and details on specific accommodations, please visit our website faculty pages


If a faculty member has a concern regarding the proposed accommodation plan, they should NOT speak to the student directly about any concerns or disagreements with the plan.  Faculty should contact the student鈥檚 advisor listed on the Letter of Academic Accommodation. AccessAbility Services and Faculty will engage in dialogue about the concerns, the university鈥檚 duty to accommodate and accommodation options. 

Please contact our office at ability.utsc@utoronto.ca or 416-287-7560.  Front line staff can answer a wide variety of process questions and/or direct you to the appropriate resources or staff members.