
Online Forms

If you are registered with AccessAbility Services, please submit forms using the myAIMS Document Upload Portal.    and select "Upload Documents" from the main menu.  Please review our  for detailed step-by-step instructions

Note: If you experience a problem opening the online forms, please try another web browser type (e.g. Chrome, Firefox, Safari)


Certificate of Disability (complete and upload on the myAIMS portal)
Extension Request Form (for registered students) (complete and upload on the myAIMS portal)


Late Submission Notification Form - This form should be submitted directly to the Accommodated Test and Exam office at accessexams.utsc@utoronto.ca  

Rescheduling of a Quiz/Test/Exam Notification Form - to be completed if you have already submitted a quiz/test/exam request and your instructor has changed the date OR if you are writing a make-up quiz/test/exam. This form should be submitted directly to the Accommodated Test and Exam office at accessexams.utsc@utoronto.ca


Take-Home Exam Extra Time Request Form   
Deferred Examination Request Form This form should be submitted directly to the Accommodated Test and Exam office at accessexams.utsc@utoronto.ca

Transfer of Accommodations 

Follow the Campus Transfer Process for submission of the forms to take/transfer campuses

Taking Courses at another UofT Campus - transfer of accommodations   
Transfer to another Uof T Campus Form 

Multiple Format

Follow the Multiple/Alternate Format process when submitting this form

Multiple Format Request Portal (Robart's Library)


General Application Form for Volunteers

Email the form to ability.utsc@utoronto.ca 

Peer Note taker Registration

Email the form to ability.utsc@utoronto.ca



Register for events and workshops via CLNx