
Assessment Services

Assessment Services

The service provides referrals for psycho-educational and neuropsychological assessments.
The most common referral is to a Registered Psychologist for a psycho-educational assessment to identify if a Learning Disability (LD) or Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) may be impacting a student's learning. There are a number of scholarships and bursaries available for students with disabilities which may help to cover the cost of a Psycho-Educational Assessment by a Psychologist. In order to be eligible for many of these sources of funding, it is required that a student apply for OSAP.  The Disability Consultant will discuss these funding options in more detail, when referring students for an Assessment.  More Information on criteria for Psycho-Educational Reports.
Assistive Technology Assessments
The service provides referrals to an on-site Assistive Technology Consultant for AT Assessments. Students are referred by their Primary Disability Consultant.