
First Year Transition Program

AccessAbility Services Summer Start-Up

July 28th - August 24th, 2024

A Program For Incoming First Year Students with Disabilities

AccessAbility Services hosts a yearly transition program for incoming first year students with disabilities.  The program is designed to assist students in navigating their first year at UTSC, and build academic and learning strategies to support their success (e.g. reading, note taking, and time-management strategies).

Topics will include:

  • What to expect during my first year at UTSC
  • What supports are available for my disability-related needs
  • What academic skills are useful in a university setting
  • How to connect with peers
  • How to keep my mind and body healthy
  • And much more.....

The program will also include resources designed for parents and caregivers to help support their student during their transition to university.

Accessing Summer Start-Up

  • In order to attend this program, students must be registered with AccessAbility Services.  For more information about how to register with AccessAbility Services, please visit our Registration Information page
  • First Year students who register with AccessAbility Services will be automatically granted access to the program, and will receive email communication about the program prior to the starting date.

Summer Start-Up Online Registration Form


Parent/Caregiver Info Session

  • How to support your student in the transition to post-secondary
  • Explore the importance of self-advocacy for your student
  • Learn about the academic life cycle
  • and more..!

Parent/Caregiver Date & Registration Form

Information will be sent to all students registered in the Start Up program