
Service Animals

Service animals are welcome at the University to accompany persons with disabilities who require assistance. For more information, including access to premises and exclusions, and FAQ's please see the and the .

AccessAbility Services is available to facilitate accommodations related to service animals, e.g. animals in residence, laboratories, and/or test centres. Students who are accompanied by a service animal are encouraged to inform their Disability Consultant, who can provide assistance if needed.

Voluntary registration of a service animal with the University

The University has implemented an optional registration process for service animals. This optional process has been created to assist service animals to be integrated seamlessly into the campus life of an individual being accompanied by a service animal.  Students wishing to register their service animal should contact AccessAbility Services office. An individual may register their service animal without having to register themselves with AccessAbility Services.

The registration of a service animal with the University is not mandatory. However, registering a service animal should minimize the need for the service animal owner/handler to produce health documentation, thereby enhancing their privacy, and reducing their need to carry such documentation with them on campus.   Following registration of the animal, the owner/handler will receive an updated T-Card that will include an easily identified symbol confirming that the service animal has been registered with the University.  Persons accompanied by a registered service animal can show their T-Card symbol to any staff member inquiring about the presence of a service animal, rather than having to produce medical documentation.

If you lose your TCard, you would first get it replaced at the TCard Office and afterwards notify the department from where you obtained the sticker that you will need a replacement sticker.

The registration process will also assist in addressing in advance any issues or concerns that could potentially arise (such as the health needs of other members of the University community), in navigating any exceptions, and in ensuring that all options for accommodation can be explored. AccessAbility Services will provide the student with a registration form that requests additional information about the animal and the types of spaces that the individual typically navigates on campus.