
Upcoming Events

AccessAbility Services strives to make all events and workshops inclusive. Zoom and MS Teams auto-captions are enabled for online events.  Participation, chat and video are optional.  In-person events are held in accessible spaces and have a variety of optional participation options. If you have any dietary needs or allergies, please let us know in advance.  If you require any accommodation for online or in-person events please let us know in advance at ability.utsc@utoronto.ca or 416-287-7560.

AccessAbility Services Student Socials

Socials are for students who are registered with AccessAbility Services to get to know your peers.

Fall 2024
Date Time Location Register
Wednesday, September 25th, 2024 5:00pm to 6:30pm In-Person Room TBA
Wednesday, October 30th, 2024 5:00pm to 6:30pm In-Person Room TBA
Wednesday, November 20th, 2024 5:00pm to 6:30pm In-Person Room TBA
Wednesday, December 4th, 2024 5:00pm to 6:30pm In-Person Room TBA

If you require any accommodations to fully participate in this event, please let us know in advance.  Contact us at 416-287-7560 or email ability.utsc@utoronto.ca

Time Management Workshop

Do you have a lot of assignments due close together? Are you not sure how much time to spend on an assignment or is it hard to know how to juggle all your responsibilities? 

Join us to learn how to feel in control of your schedule. There will be activities throughout the session to help you practice the different learning strategies discussed.

Topics will include:

  • How to prioritize your assignments 
  • How to visualize and better judge your time 
  • How to break down your assignments


September 24th at 3pm-4pm,

Thursday October 22nd at 11am-12pm,

Tuesday, November 26th at 3pm-4pm,


Where: Zoom (link sent upon registration)

Auto-captioning will be enabled in Zoom meeting, video and audio participation are optional. If you require an accommodation to attend this workshop, please let us know at ability.utsc@utoronto.ca or 416-287-7560

Notetaking 101 

Do you have a lot of assignments due close together? Are you not sure how much time to spend on an assignment or is it hard to know how to juggle all your responsibilities?  Does the idea of taking notes in class feel a bit overwhelming? 

Join our note taking session and learn how to make the note taking process efficient and less painful. 

Topics will include

  • How to identify important information to record
  • How to use assistive technology to make note taking easier 
  • How to pick a note taking style that fits your needs


Thursday September 19th at 3pm-4pm,


Where: Zoom (link sent upon registration)

Auto-captioning will be enabled in Zoom meeting, video and audio participation are optional. If you require an accommodation to attend this workshop, please let us know at ability.utsc@utoronto.ca or 416-287-7560

Kurzweil3000 Refresher

Has it been awhile since you used Kurzweil3000? Forgot your username and password? Come join us for a Kurzweil3000 refresher! We will explore the reading and writing features of Kurzweil3000 for use in your school work and studying. 

Topics will include

  • How to open, read and annotate your texts
  • Utilizing the universal library for essay writing
  • Writing in Kurzweill3000 for studying

When: Tuesday, October 29th at 3pm-4pm,


Where: Zoom (link sent upon registration)

Auto-captioning will be enabled in Zoom meeting, video and audio participation are optional. If you require an accommodation to attend this workshop, please let us know at ability.utsc@utoronto.ca or 416-287-7560

Active Study Methods Through Integrating Technology

Do you struggle with figuring out how to study? Did you know that not all study methods work well for every subject? Come learn 4 different study techniques that utilize technology to move you from passive studying to active studying! 

Topics will include:

  • Passive VS Active Studying
  • Study basics – planning and prep
  • Leveraging technology to help you!

When: Tuesday November 5th at 3pm-4pm,


Where: Zoom (link sent upon registration)

Auto-captioning will be enabled in Zoom meeting, video and audio participation are optional. If you require an accommodation to attend this workshop, please let us know at ability.utsc@utoronto.ca or 416-287-7560