
Alternate Format Materials

Alternate or multiple format materials (MFP) may include, but are not limited to:

  • E-text (e.g., may need specific font type, size and colour or to use software like Kurzweil to read the material aloud)
  • Braille (e.g., Nemeth code for mathematics)
  • Enlarged format and large fonts with contrasting background

All Multiple Format Materials requests are processed through the Accessibility Office at UofT St. George Robarts Library. They will convert library material, widely published material and textbooks. 

*If you need alternate format for other course material such as your worksheets, handouts and course slides, please contact us directly at the UTSC AccessAbility Services: or call us at 416-287-7560.

Step 1:

If approved for multiple format accommodations, your name and UofT email will be provided to the

Step 2:

You will receive an email with the Multiple Format Contract to read and agree to, as well as a .  This link may also be accessed on the of this website's menu.  NOTE: You must retain your original copies and original receipts for all requested materials.  Proof of purchase is required and may be requested by the library at any time.

Step 3:

Once your request is submitted, you will receive a confirmation email

Step 4​:

You will receive your Multiple Format Materials via email link (PDF, Electronic Copy).  Multiple Format hard text (e.g. Braille) will be delivered in hard copy and arrangements will be made to either pick-up materials on UTSC campus, or have them available by some other method (e.g. sent via courier).  You will be notified by email once the material is ready.

If you have questions about this process, please contact us at or call us at 416-287-7560