

Booking Appointments

Appointments are available in person or via MS TEAMS (online platform).

Please contact the front desk at Tel/TTY 416-287-7560 or at ability.utsc@utoronto.ca to book appointments with a Disability Consultant, the Learning Strategist or Assistive Technology Consultant. When let the staff the format you would like to meet (in-person or online).


The staff will make recommendations regarding frequency of appointments. 



Cancelling Appointments

Please contact the front desk to cancel or reschedule an appointment. If possible, we ask for 24 hours notice when cancelling appointments. 


Please remember that you take an appointment time away from another person when you do not show up to an appointment without cancelling. 


Missing appointments may result in a delay in service and/or a delay in the implementation of your accommodations. We cannot provide supports if you do not engage in discussions with your Disability Consultant about your needs.


Late Arrivals

If running late for an appointment (virtually or in-person), please contact the front desk immediately. The appointment may be rescheduled to ensure that there will be sufficient time to adequately address all questions and/or concerns. 


In most cases, you will be required to reschedule your appointment if you enter your meeting virtually or in-person more than 15 minutes late.