

The administration of all accommodated tests and exams is coordinated by the Accommodated Tests and Exams team within the Office of the Registrar. 

Students who want to request testing accommodations or make a change to their testing accommodation plan, must direct all questions to their Disability Consultant. Once accommodations are approved the Office of the Registrar will be provided with an updated accommodation plan.

Accommodated Tests and Exams Contact:

Direct Line: 416-208-8152

Email: accessexams.utsc@utoronto.ca

Process Details
Booking To book a test, quiz or final exam and provide the scheduling details.
Make-up Term Tests Once an instructor offers a make-up term test/quiz, students must complete a Rescheduling of Test -Notification form found on the Online Forms Page. Complete the form and submit it to the Accommodated Tests and Exams Office at accessexams.utsc@utoronto.ca
Deferred Final Exams/ Missed Final

For missed final exams, students must petition to defer through the Registrar's Office eService. When a petition is granted for deferred exams, students requesting exam accommodations must complete the found on the  and submit it to the Accommodated Tests and Exams Office via email at accessexams.utsc@utoronto.ca

NOTE: If you are approved to write a deferred exam, your course load will be restricted in the next session. If your course load is not reduced, all courses will be removed from your timetable. See the Office of the Registrar for further information on deferred exams.

Details on your deferred exam will be communicated through eService

Take-Home Test/Exams

Requests for extra time for take-home tests/exams do not go through the Office of the Registrar Accommodated Testing Service.  Students with disabilities requesting extra time accommodations be applied to their take-home test/exam must complete the take-home time request form and submit it to AccessAbility Services via ability.utsc@utoronto.ca.

Note: Students must use their mail.utoronto.ca email address when sending this form via email.

Final Exam Conflicts

See the Office of the Registrar on the process of conflicts with a final exam schedule related to religious observance, simultaneous final exams, and three consecutive final exams.

When registering for an accommodated test/exam on myAIMS students are asked to note any conflict they have.

Joint Program with Centennial

Extensions or other special considerations for term tests or term work are at the discretion of your instructor and Centennial College.

If you are making a request such as for a deferred final examination or late withdrawal from the course after the final drop date, you must follow the petition procedure outlined in the UTSC calendar. Such requests should not be taken up directly at Centennial.

Technology issues during an online exam See the Office of the Registrar Guidance on what to do before and during an online exam.
Code of Conduct See the Office of the Registrar Code of Conduct for details on identification needed for exams, unauthorized aids/electronic devices, personal belongings, arrival, conduct during and at the end of the exam, online exams
Deferred Examination Request Form This form should be submitted directly to the Accommodated Test and Exam office at accessexams.utsc@utoronto.ca.
Late test/exam request Form This form should be submitted directly to the Accommodated Test and Exam office at accessexams.utsc@utoronto.ca.
Take-home Test/Exam Form This form should be submitted directly to the AccessAbility Services office at ability.utsc@utoronto.ca.
Rescheduling of a Quiz/Test/Exam Notification Form

To be completed if you have already submitted a quiz/test/exam request on myAIMS and your instructor has changed the date OR if you are writing an approved make-up quiz/test/exam.

This form should be submitted directly to the Accommodated Test and Exam office at accessexams.utsc@utoronto.ca.
