
Learning Strategy Overview

Navigating the academic environment can be daunting, especially when faced with disability-related barriers. However, applying learning strategies can significantly impact a student's academic success and increase well-being for the following reasons:

  1. Tailored Approach: Learning strategies can be customized to suit a student's unique disability-related needs. By identifying strategies that align with their strengths and preferences, they can create a personalized approach to tackle academic tasks more effectively.
  2. Efficient Time Management: With the right learning strategy, students can optimize their time and energy. This is especially important when managing disability-related symptoms as it often takes longer to complete tasks due to processing or physical fatigue. Learning how to prioritize tasks, break them down into manageable steps, and allocate time efficiently will not only reduce stress but also enhance a student's overall productivity.
  3. Enhanced Learning Retention: Different learning strategies, such as visual aids or mnemonic methods, can significantly improve information retention. These techniques can make it easier for students to grasp and remember complex concepts.
  4. Self-Advocacy: Learning strategies empower students to better understand and communicate their needs, including ensuring their accommodations are in place.
  5. Building Confidence: Successfully implementing learning strategies fosters a sense of accomplishment. As students witness the positive impact on their academic performance, their confidence can grow. This confidence can extend beyond academics, positively influencing various aspects of a student's life.

We encourage students to explore the tri-campus Learning Strategy Toolkit 

If students have any questions or need assistance in exploring specific strategies, please contact AccessAbility Services.