
Psychoeducational Reports

Psycho-educational Report Criteria

Crtieria #1: Provide a clear diagnostic statement

The report must have a clear diagnostic statement identifying the student's learning disability. If another diagnosis is applicable, this should be stated as well.

Criteria #2: The diagnostic testing must be comprehensive

The testing should be comprehensive and no single test should be used in isolation for the purpose of diagnosis. The diagnostic testing must address several domains including but not necessarily limited to:

  • Aptitude: The Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale - IV (WAIS IV) listing the sub-test scores is the preferred instrument. The Stanford Binet Intelligence Scale: Fourth Edition is an acceptable alternative.
  • Achievement: A review of your academic history and an assessment of the current levels of functioning in reading, mathematics, and written language. Acceptable instruments include: Canadian Test of Basic Skills; Woodcock-Johnson Psychoeducational Battery - Revised: Tests of Achievement; Stanford Test of Academic Skills (TASK); or specific achievement tests such as the Test of Written Language -2 (TOWL-2), Woodcock Reading Mastery Test, or the Stanford Diagnostic Math Test.
  • Information Processing/Memory: Relevant areas of information processing (e.g. short and long-term memory, sequential memory, visual/auditory perception, attention, fine-motor dexterity, processing speed) should be assessed using subtests from the WAIS IV or WoodcockJohnson Tests of Cognitive Ability and should ideally include the Wecshler Memory Scales.
  • Social-Emotional Status: Formal assessment instruments and clinical interview may be used. We are aware that social-emotional issues may occur concurrently with, or may be secondary to, learning disabilities. It is helpful to know as much about these issues as possible in order to provide the most appropriate service to you. We also request that attention be given to the differential diagnosis of psychological disorders other than learning disabilities that may have an impact on academic performance.
  • Executive Functioning: Formal test administration should be included in addition to self-report questionnaires. Tools such as the Wisconsin Card Sorting test; Trail Making test, Digits Forwards/backwards or Verbal Fluency Test are examples.
  • Effort Testing: Test batteries should include formal measures of effort in the testing (such as Rey 15 item Test TOMM test) and where indicated, screening questionnaire for mood effects on performance

Criteria #3: The assessments must be no more than five [5] years before your start date at U of T

We prefer to receive assessments that have been completed within five [5] years of your anticipated start date at UofT, though we will accept ones completed earlier to initiate accommodations.

Criteria #4: Include all test scores/data

This information helps in planning an appropriate support plan and reasonable accommodations.  Additional details: Students with psycho-educational reports that fail to meet the criteria listed above may be required to undergo further diagnostic assessment prior to receiving full accommodations.

Individual Education Plans (IEP) can be submitted as additional documentation

Students with Autism Spectrum Disorders typically have a psycho-educational report and/or other medical documentation. If the documentatino dates to childhood, supplemental documentation that outlines functional impacts will be necessary.  A psycho-educational report that is no older than five [5] years or completed at the age of eighteen year of age will also be needed for consideration of test accommodations and funding for educational supports.

Psycho-educational Assessment

An updated psychoeducational assessment may be requested to maintain, help determine, and/or request additional supports and accommodations at the university level. If so, Disability Consultants can explore potential funding sources to cover the cost of these assessments 

Cost Details

  • Psychoeducational Assessment Fees: Psychoeducational assessments are done on a fee for service basis by psychologists in the community. They are not covered by provincial health plans (e.g., OHIP) and tend to be quite costly. However, there may be subsidies or funds to help cover this cost when you are a student.
  • OSAP (Ontario Student Assistance Program): You must apply for OSAP even if you do not plan to use the loan. If you are eligible, we can access a bursary which will pay for all or most of the assessment. If your OSAP application is denied, other possible sources of funding can be explored.
  • Employee benefits: Check your parent's employee benefits or your own employee benefits to see if you have coverage or are covered by a parent鈥檚 plan for a registered psychologist. This can cover or defray the cost of a new assessment.