
Helping Students in Distress

If you're worried about someone's change in mood or behaviour, here's what you can do to help.

You may notice someone is experiencing difficulty through one or several indicators related to their academic, physical appearance, behavior or mood.

If you know the person and are concerned, thank them for sharing and let them know you are there to listen can be very supportive. "It sounds like you are having a tough time lately, I am here to listen." If you do not know the person, you can ask for a professional opinion which can be done anonymously and allow you to gather information including options, services, and resources on how to help.

UTSC has many student services on campus that can benefit students in many ways. Get informed about these services and share that information. "I know that the Health & Wellness Centre has some services that may be able to help."

is an online training that prepares you with skills and information to support someone experiencing mental health challenges. This training also provides you with a certificate to show that you have completed the training.