
Sexual Violence Response

Looking for support? We've listed a number of resources below from organizations that can assist, as well as information detailing your options if you would like to explore making a formal report. If you live in residence, the residence staff (Residence Advisors and Residence Life staff) are also available. If you don't live in residence or if you prefer not to disclose to residence staff you can seek assistance from the appropriate resources below.

Options if you want to disclose


Supports students, staff, and faculty affected by sexual violence and sexual harassment regardless of who was involved and when or where the sexual violence took place.

The Centre can support you with...

  • Identifying your needs
  • Coordinating appropriate supports, services and accommodations
  • Reviewing the University鈥檚 Policy on Sexual Violence and Sexual Harassment
  • Understanding reporting options (criminal and non-criminal)
  • Making a report to the University (should you choose to)
  • Exploring self-care strategies
  • Discussing safety planning

The Centre also coordinates and delivers education on prevention and response to sexual violence.

You have the right to decide what information you share, and you do not have to make a report or take legal action in order to access services.

You are not alone and this is not your fault.

E-Mail: thesvpcentre@utoronto.ca   Website:


This tri-campus office provides confidential support and assistance and will identify and explain available options (i.e. criminal charges); assist with arranging for medical treatment and/or sexual assault evidence collection kit, co-create safety plans; make appropriate referrals (i.e. to counselling services); advocate for academic support; as well as offer options for safe housing.


If you have been sexually harmed you can contact the Health & Wellness Centre to meet with a health care professional with specialized trauma informed training to understand your needs and offer appropriate care and/or referrals.


Offers 24-hour emergency care, including medical and forensic care, crisis intervention, and risk assessment.


Options if you want to report


If you choose to make a formal report to the police, visit Campus Police and let an officer know that you want to make a report of a sexual assault; the officer will liaise with the municipal police to address your needs. You can also make a report directly with the municipal police, Toronto Police Services.

Toronto Police Non-Emergency Line: 416-808-2222

You can find multiple resources for reporting sexual assault to the Toronto Police Service (TPS) at this link, including FAQs, contact information, and advice if someone you know has been sexually assaulted.  Information is available in multiple languages.


Sexual Assault Nurse Examiners (SANE) are registered nurses who have completed specialized education and clinical preparation in the medical forensic care of the person who has experienced sexual assault or abuse.  You can visit a Sexual Assault/Domestic Violence Care Centre (SA/DVCC) to speak with a SANE.  The nearest site to UTSC is at the SHN Centenary Hospital Emergency Department.


If you choose to make a formal complaint under the Code of Student Conduct contact the Student Conduct and Academic Integrity Officer.

U of T Staff, Peer Educators, and Mentors are all available to support and offer referrals.