
Group Therapy FAQ

Group Therapy FAQ

Under the skilled direction of the group therapists, the group is able to provide support, offer alternatives, or gently challenge you to develop healthier behavior patterns.

During group therapy, students begin to see that they are not alone. Many, who feel that they have unique problems, find it helpful to hear that other students have similar concerns. In the climate of safety and trust provided by the group, members feel free to care about and support one another.

Group therapy can be engaged in as either a skill-building or process-oriented group in order to deal with issues raised by the group members.

Students share common concerns related to self esteem, self image, relationships and life choices. Groups are most helpful for students who want to: build skills, increase self awareness, enhance self esteem, learn to deal with feelings, refine social skills and explore the process of developing meaningful relationships with others.

In order for students to feel comfortable to express themselves it is imperative that they feel the group is a safe environment. All group members are required to sign a form acknowledging their intent to keep all information confidential. Group members work to establish a level of trust that allows them to feel safe to talk personally and honestly. Group trust is also enhanced when all members make a commitment to working together towards a common goal.

Many students are anxious about being able to talk in a group. Almost without exception, group members find that they do begin to talk in the group within a few sessions. As this is a common issue for so many group members, the group facilitator and other members provide lots of support.