
Accessing Health Records

Request for Health Records

If you require a copy of your health records for any purpose (e.g., transferring records to a new family doctor), please contact the Welcome Desk and ask for a release of records form.  The form will be emailed to you for completion.  You can also download the form here.  Please email the completed form to health.utsc@utoronto.ca  Please provide as detailed information as possible.  Please also note that you may receive a phone call from our staff to help us better understand your request; please ensure your contact information is accurate and up-to-date.

Request for health records to be sent to a health care professional in the community $30
Personal request for health records $30
  • Please check the fees page for more details

All applicable forms must be completed and fees must be paid prior to the request being fulfilled.
Further information may be required in some instances prior to request being fulfilled.