
Meeting Content

Meeting #1

  • Welcome and Introductions 
  • About Health & Wellness Centre programming, services, and resources
  • What it means to be an Advisory member
  • Governance structure of U of T 
  • Council on Student Service (CSS) Process and Student Service Fee
  • Student Leader process discussed 

Meeting # 2

  • Student leader pitch and selection
  • Health & Wellness programs by budget
  • Health & Wellness Centre Focus
    • Invited team member presents
  • Health & Wellness Centre Advisory member open discussion feedback

Meeting # 3

  • Achievements of previous fiscal year
  • Priorities of upcoming year
  • Goals
  • Fee increase amount
  • Vote

Meeting # 4

  • Review of CSS vote and next steps
  • Health & Wellness Centre Focus
    • Invited team member presents
  • Health & Wellness Centre Advisory member open discussion feedback
  • Co-Curricular Record (CCR) Reflection