
Faculty FAQ

Faculty FAQ's -  Accessibility and Accommodation in relation to COVID-19 Updates


Online Timed and Take-Home Exams: Accessibility and Accommodations

Students with accommodations are asked to register their online final exam and take home assessment requests through .   

The Accommodated Tests and Exams team in the Office of the Registrar will process the accommodation request and send instructors the accommodation details (e.g. additional time) for application in the online environment. 

Students and Faculty can contact accessexams.utsc@utoronto.ca directly with questions relating to the administration of the extra time accommodations in an online environment.




Please download this instructional PDF.

If you have further questions, please contact ctl@utsc.utoronto.ca to talk through options, or email quercus@utsc.utoronto.ca for technical support and 1:1 online consults.

If you have additional questions related to disability-related accommodations after connecting with them, please reach out to AccessAbility Services.


Break time and writing time are both added as extra time. Students are expected to self-manage their writing time vs. break time. The University has approved this approach during this time.


Multiply the total class writing time by the student鈥檚 accommodated extra time. Then add their break time. 

Example 1: 

  • 2 hour assessment
  • Accommodations: 50% (1.5) extra time, 60 minutes of breaks
  • Total writing time: 2 hours x 1.5 = 3 hours
  • Total writing time + break time = 4 hours total

Example 2:

  • 2 hour assessment
  • Accommodations: 100% (2.0) extra time, 5 minutes of breaks per hour
  • Total writing time: 2 hours x 2.0 = 4 hours
  • Total break time: 4 hours x 5 min/hour = 20 minutes
  • Total writing time + break time = 4 hours and 20 minutes


If a student raises any accommodation-related concerns that you cannot address for your assessment, please have them get in touch with their Disability Consultant at AccessAbility Services


If a student is reporting a need for an alternate assessment format due to disability-related reasons, please refer the student to AccessAbility for guidance.

A take-home assessment as replacement for a final exam is time limited (between receipt of questions and submission of responses).  In the situation of a term assignment where a student has had weeks or months to prepare for it, students with extension accommodations may request an extension of up to one week from the due date as, even with advanced notice, a student's disability impacts completion of the work within the stated deadlines. There are disability-related circumstances where an extension beyond a week may be required.

Students requesting additional time for a take-home exam should contact their Disability Consultant, or ability.utsc@utoronto.ca to discuss their disability related needs and potential accommodation solutions.

If you have questions related to additional time or extensions, please contact our office at ability.utsc@utoronto.ca or 416-287-7560


It is important, especially for some students with disabilities, for faculty to inform students what they can expect for the take-home exam and to outline clear expectations including:

  • How to access the take-home exam
  • When to access the take-home exam
  • How much time you are allocating on the exam and if you have factored accommodations into this time.
    • Example:  It should take 24 hours for students to complete the take home exam, but 72 hours is being allotted to complete the exam to accommodate students who require additional time. 
    • It is important to note that 24 hours/ 72 hours is the window for completion of the assessment.  Students should manage their time according to their individual needs, and are not expected to write for the equivalent of 24 hours.
  • Where to submit the take-home (e.g., within Quercus or through email)?
  • What is the submission date and time for the take-home exam?
  • Are students expected to work independently, or within a group?
  • Whom should the student speak to if they are experiencing technological problems accessing the take-home exam?



In addition to the recommendation to allocate a reasonable amount of time that considers additional time:

  • Accept different methods of submission. If a student is required to demonstrate knowledge through illustrations (graphs, charts, diagrams, formulas, maps, etc.), consider students submitting through various means including Microsoft word, pictures, scanned documents, etc.
  • Consider how students receive and submit take home exams. Students should receive their exam via portals familiar or previously accessed in class. These portals should allow students to receive and review the exam, and be able to come back to it throughout the exam window.
  • NB: Quercus limits an activity window for a student to 24 hours. Consider alternative platforms for submission to allow a greater window for students to complete their take home exam. Students should be able to submit their take-home exam via email, Turnitin, Dropbox, or other platforms, which would allow for access at different times throughout the exam window.


Students requesting additional time for a take-home exam should contact their Disability Consultant or ability.utsc@utoronto.ca to discuss their disability related needs and potential accommodation solutions.