
Personal Safety

The University of Toronto has a Policy with Respect to Workplace Violence and a Policy with Respect to Workplace Harassment, which outline the commitment of the University to protect the University Community from Workplace Violence and Harassment. The Policies can be found on the University of Toronto Governing Council website Policies page at the links below.

Workplace Harassment, Policy with Respect to [May 13, 2010 (amended Sept 8, 2016)]

Workplace Violence, Policy with Respect to [May 13, 2010]

In addition, the University of Toronto has a Workplace Violence Program that details information on:

Scope of program, Definitions and Roles and Responsibilities

Who to Contact

  • (a) Immediate assistance
  • (b) Non-immediate assistance
  • (c) Institutional reporting of incidents
  • (d) Reporting physical workplace conditions

Assessing Risk and Threats of Workplace Violence

Controlling Risk

  • (a) Campus resources
  • (b) Communication systems
  • (c) Electronic security measures
  • (d) Physical/structural security measures
  • (e) Policies
  • (f) Information sheets
  • (g) Training

Investigating Incidents of Workplace Violence

Since the legislastive update around workplace violence and harassment had been introduced in the Occupational Health and Safety Act in 2009, our EHS department has been working with all of the departments on campus to conduct assessments to determine risk and implement corrective actions. Our methodology is to start with employee groups of highest risk and working our way to groups of lower risk.

For more information, please refer to the University of Toronto Workplace Violence Program: