
JHSC Training & Certification

The Occupational Health and Safety Act requires that within the Joint Health & Safety Committee, at least one worker and one management member must be fully certified.

In order to become a fully certified member, you must complete both the Basic Certification Training (Part 1) and Workplace-Specific hazard training (Part 2).

You MUST take Part 2 within 6 months of completing Part 1. Certification training requires a time commitment of 5-6 days within a 6 month period. Some of these days will be consecutive.

In order to keep your certification valid, you will have to complete a JHSC refresher course every 3 years.

The EHS415 JHSC Workplace Inspections course has been uploaded to Quercus and is available for self-enrollment through .  The course is approximately 50 minutes in duration and has a quiz at the end required for successful completion.

All worker and management members of the committee are encouraged to complete the course.

For course information, contact the Environmental Health and Safety office.