
Electrical Equipment Safety

The purpose of this document is to set forth the policy for the safe use of electrical
equipment, and high power consumption electrical equipment (e.g. portable space
heaters, microwaves, kettles, ovens, and laboratory/industrial equipment such as kilns,
freezers, heat generating, non-work-related equipment, etc.) at the University of Toronto

All electrical equipment must be used safely on campus following applicable legislation,
guidelines and standards. High power consumption electrical equipment are particularly
hazardous as they can overload the electrical circuit causing the breaker to trip and can
have inherent safety (e.g. fire, exposure) and operational (e.g. outages, delays, failures)
issues. Therefore, it is necessary to establish and maintain strict guidelines for the use
of electrical equipment in accordance with Campus Safety, Facilities Management, and
the Joint Health & Safety Committee.

Electrical Equipment Safety Guidance (UTSC)