
Hazardous Waste

Proper management of waste is important to minimize the risk to employees and members of the public, reduce the risk of release of hazardous material to the environment and enable the University to better manage the costs of disposal.

The  provides information on how to handle hazardous waste safely and in an environmentally responsible manner. The Manual applies to all operations on University campuses which generate hazardous chemical, radioactive, biological or sharps waste. Some of the procedures outlined in the Manual include waste minimization techniques, and requirements around packaging, labelling and storage of waste.

The University provides a hazardous waste management service through . If you have any questions with respect to hazardous waste disposal, please .

Hazardous Waste Disposal Locations

Science Wing (SW) / Science Research (SY) buildings:

To dispose of chemical waste and biological waste (Risk Group 2 only), lab users in the SW / SY buildings should request access to the hazardous waste storage facility (SW111K) through Central Stores staff during normal business hours (8:00 am to 4:00 pm). Central Stores is located in SW120. Within the SW111K facility, SW111A (shown on left) is designated for biological waste, while SW111B (shown on right) is designated for chemical waste. 



Radioactive waste (e.g. scintillation vials, dry / liquid waste, radioactive sharps waste) generated in the SW / SY buildings should be disposed of in the radioactive waste storage room (SW101).

Environmental Science and Chemistry Building (EV):

All hazardous waste generated by research labs in the EV building should be disposed of through CHMStores (EV120C).


Waste materials must be labeled in a manner that will allow the hazards to be clearly and accurately identified. You can maintain an accurate inventory of the waste materials being added to the waste containers using the appropriate waste labels provided by EPS. Chemical waste labels (shown below) are available free of charge through Central Stores (SW120), CHMStores (EV120C), or by contacting EPS.

Labels for hazardous waste containers must be attached to the packaging.

Specific generic names of the components in the container must be listed. Do NOT use abbreviations, acronyms, trademark names, or vague categories (e.g. solvent waste). Contact information such as building name, room number and individual producing the waste should be included on the label. 

Chemical Waste Label
