
EHS 731 Laser Safety

EHS 731 - Laser Safety

Required for: Persons using a class 3B or class 4 laser or laser system where the laser is not embedded in a class 1 system. Prerequisites: none.

Includes: 6-hour course (in-class), followed by a test.

RefresherEHS 012 - Laser Safety Refresher (online). This refresher course must be taken every 3 years following the completion of the prerequisite course (EHS 731 or EHS 733).


EHS 732 - Closed Beam and Low Classes Laser Safety

Required for: Persons using enclosed beam and low class lasers (Class 1, 2 and 3A).

Description: This online course is designed as an introduction to the basics of laser safety and regulatory requirements for enclosed beam and low class lasers.

Refresher: None. You are required to complete this course one time only.

Notes: This course is NOT a substitute for EHS 731 or EHS 733 which are mandatory for users of open beam Class 3B and 4 lasers.