
Emergency Numbers

Listed below are all emergency and non-emergency numbers at UTSC to assist you with getting to help as quickly as possible.

An emergency is any situation requiring immediate police, fire, or medical response to preserve life or property.  To report a serious incident on the UTSC campus, call 911 or Campus Safety at 416-978-2222. Refer to the Campus Safety website for more information on responding to an emergency.

Emergency Numbers

Police / Fire / Ambulance911
Campus Safety416-978-2222
Poison Control Centre
(For accidental ingestion of chemicals)
(For emergencies involving biological materials)
Environmental Health & Safety
(For critical / life-threatening injuries and other health & safety emergencies)
Environmental Protection Services
(For emergencies involving chemical spills)
Radiation Protection Services
(For emergencies involving radioactive materials)
Emergency Medical Response Group (EMRG) - Fall / Winter sessions only
(For first aid and Emergency First Responder level assistance)
647-544-EMRG (3674)


Non-Emergency Numbers

Contact information for other key resources at UTSC are listed below.

 Resource Non-Emergency Number
AccessAbility Services (IA5105)416-287-7560
Building Patrol - Travel Safer Program (SW304)416-287-7022
Campus Safety - General Inquiries (SW304)416-287-7398
Security, Fire & Parking (IC40)416-287-7599
Employee & Family Assistance Program ()1-800-663-1142
Environmental Health & Safety (SW300)416-208-5141
Equity and Diversity Office (BV536)416-287-5639
Facilities Management (SW303)416-287-7579
Health and Wellness (IA5061)416-287-7065
Sexual Violence Prevention & Support Centre (EV141)416-978-2266