
Emergency Procedures


  1. Spill Kits
  2. Eyewash Stations/Emergency Showers
  3. First Aid Stations


  1. Emergency Phones
  2. Automated External Defibrillators
  3. Evacuation Chairs
  4. Emergency Evacuation Areas



In the event of an explosion or similar incident on campus that could render a building or area unsafe, take the following actions:

  • Immediately take cover under a table or other object that can protect from falling glass and debris.
  • Walk quickly to the nearest marked exit (do not use elevators), and alert others to do the same.
  • Activate any available fire pull stations when leaving the building.
  • Move as far away from the building as possible.
  • Notify 911 and Campus Police at 416.978.2222. Give your name, location and the nature of the emergency.
  • Await the arrival of emergency services.
  • Do not attempt to re-enter the building, until the all clear is given.



In the event of a gas leak or a smell of gas, cease all operations. Do not switch on / off lights or any electrical equipment. Do not use cell phones. Remember 鈥 sparks can trigger an explosion.

Take the following actions:

  • Advise everyone in the affected area and make sure there are no open flames/sources of ignition.
  • Evacuate the area.
  • Contact Campus Police at 416.978.2222 (or 911 if emergency)
  • Do not return to an evacuated building unless directed to do so by Campus Police.



A spill can be a discharge of anything (e.g. liquids, fumes) from a container or building which enters the natural environment (air, water and land). Examples include spill of gasoline in parking area, broken bottle of chemical in a laboratory and excessive fumes in a lab being vented through a fume hood.

Laboratory users should follow their lab-specific SOP for decontamination and clean-up.

Take the following actions:

  • Attend to any persons who may have been contaminated. Consult the (Pathogen) Safety Data Sheet for first aid information. 
  • Evacuate the area, noting the location, chemical(s) involved and amount spilled.
  • Stop entry into the affected area by marking the area and posting a sign if necessary.
  • Eliminate all ignition sources if flammable material is involved.
  • Contain the spill if it is safe to do so.
  • If feasible, turn on fume hoods to capture or direct the flow of vapours.
  • Report all spills to:
    • Campus Police, 416.978.2222 (or 911 if emergency)
    • Environmental Protection Services (Hazardous Materials), 416.978.7000 (Weekdays, during business hours)
  • Fill out the 鈥淎ccident / Incident / Occupational Disease Report鈥 available online at .

Additional Resources:



Remove contaminated clothing and flush with water for 15 minutes at the nearest eyewash station or emergency shower.

Laboratory users should check with their lab-specific SOP for decontamination and clean-up, and/or the Safety Data Sheets for the agent(s) exposed.

  • Contact Campus Police at 416.978.2222 (or 911 if emergency)
  • Inform the supervisor / principal investigator of the exposure incident.
  • Seek prompt medical attention with the nearest hospital emergency department, emergency clinic or medical practitioner. Bring the Safety Data Sheet(s) of the agent to seek medical attention.
  • Fill out the 鈥淎ccident / Incident / Occupational Disease Report鈥 available online at .



The following applies if a worker is exposed to:

  • Blood or body fluids (via a needle stick, cut or puncture wound; mucous membrane contact; or non-intact skin contact).
  • Infectious or communicable disease agents (via inhalation; a needle stick, cut or puncture wound; ingestion or mucous membrane contact; or non-intact skin contact).
  • Zoonotic agents (via a needle stick, cut, animal bite or scratch; mucous membrane contact; or non-intact skin contact).

Laboratory users should check with their lab-specific SOP for decontamination and clean-up, and/or the Pathogen Safety Data Sheets for the biohazardous agents spilled.

In the event of an exposure to biohazardous materials:

  • Wash the exposed site immediately.
    • If needle stick, cut, puncture wound, animal bite or scratch: wash with soap and water after allowing the wound to bleed freely.
    • If mucous (eyes, nose, mouth) membrane or non-intact (cuts, rash, acne or dermatitis) skin contact: remove contaminated clothing and flush with water for 15 minutes at the nearest eyewash station or emergency shower.
  • Contact Campus Police at 416.978.2222 (or 911 if emergency)
  • Inform the supervisor / principal investigator of the exposure incident.
  • Seek prompt medical attention with the nearest hospital emergency department, emergency clinic or medical practitioner.
  • Fill out the 鈥淎ccident / Incident / Occupational Disease Report鈥 available online at .

Additional Resources:



If you feel unwell:

  1. Call the Campus Police Emergency Number at 416.978.2222 or 911 for emergency.
  2. Tell someone near you that you feel ill and ask them to find the closest first aider.
  3. Never isolate yourself and try to stay near people.
  4. If you are on medication, place it in front of you.
  5. If feeling faint, move slowly to the ground and lie down on your side.
  6. Inform your supervisor / principal investigator.
  7. Fill out the 鈥淎ccident / Incident / Occupational Disease Report鈥 available online at .

If you become aware of someone being unwell:

  1. Move quickly to their side and ask them if they require assistance.
  2. Call the Campus Police Emergency Number at 416.978.2222 or 911 for emergency.
  3. Do not start CPR unless you are certified to do so. Find the closest first aider.
  4. Keep the victim warm and dry until assistance arrives.

Additional Resources:



Reportable incidents are those which:

  • result in personal injury or lost time from work (including those requiring first aid, and occupational illness);
  • have the potential to result in personal injury or property damage even though no injury or damage actually occurred;
  • occur to any person on university premises;
  • occur to a university employee during the course of his/her work either on or off university premises;
  • occur to a student during the course of his/her classroom, laboratory or field work;
  • occur to a student during the course of a work placement (either paid or unpaid) which forms part of their university curriculum.
  • the above applies to incidents that occur outside of Ontario. If you will be working outside of Ontario for more than 6 months, you must contact the Health & Well-being Office at 416.978.2149 to extend your WSIB coverage.

There are specific forms and procedures for:



In case of fire:

  1. Leave fire area and close doors
  2. Actuate nearest wall mounted fire alarm
  3. Call Campus Police at 416.978.2222 and Emergency 911 to report location of fire if known
  4. Leave building, keep clear of exits
  5. Report to Emergency Personnel if you think someone is in the building after general evacuation

When fire alarm sounds:

  1. Leave the building quickly even if alarm may be false (it is mandatory to evacuate all University buildings unless a test has been announced)
  2. Do not use elevators
  3. Do not re-enter the building and keep clear of the area until an 鈥淎LL CLEAR鈥 announcement has been made by Emergency Personnel

If you require assistance evacuating the building:

  1. Make yourself familiar with the Emergency Evacuation Areas in your building
  2. Contact Campus Police at 416.978.2222 and Emergency 911 and inform them of you location. Stay on the phone and wait for further instructions.

Only use a fire extinguisher if the fire is small enough to put out with ONE extinguisher.  Only attempt to put out the fire if it is safe to do so.  If you use a fire extinguisher, report to Campus Police at 416.978.2222.



For example: bomb threat, active shooter, security breach

  1. Evacuate the building if it is safe to do so
  2. If you cannot leave the building, find a safe location and shelter in place
  3. Contact Campus Police at 416.978.2222 and Emergency 911 and inform them of your location and the nature of the emergency and stay on the phone
  4. Await further instructions from Emergency Personnel via PA system
  5. Do not re-enter the building and keep clear of the area until an 鈥淎LL CLEAR鈥 announcement has been made by Emergency Personnel



For example: power failures, flooding, HVAC failures

  1. Evacuate the affected area
  2. Contact Campus Police at 416.287.7398 and inform them of the location and the nature of the incident
  3. If you cannot leave the area, find a safe location and contact Campus Police at 416.978.2222 and inform them of your location and the nature of the incident
  4. Await further instructions from Emergency Personnel via PA system
  5. Do not re-enter the building and/or keep clear of the area until an 鈥淎LL CLEAR鈥 announcement has been made by Emergency Personnel