
EHS 601 Biosafety

All laboratory personnel and others whose work requires them to enter the laboratory must understand the chemical and biological hazards and be trained in appropriate safety precautions and procedures. Personnel are required to know, understand, and follow standard practices and procedures. In addition to EHS-mandated safety training, additional laboratory safety training shall be provided by the Principal Investigator or their designate and competence in safe techniques must be demonstrated and documented before the personnel is allowed to work with hazardous agents or toxic materials. Please see the  to know which training is required in addition to the specific biosafety training below.


EHS 601 - Biosafety

Required for: All laboratory PIs, staff and students working with biological agents, including human materials (e.g. blood, specimens, tissue, cells) and viral vectors (e.g. Lentivirus, AAV) in a CL1, CL2 or CL3 laboratory. Co-requisite: .

Includes: Online course (approx. 6.5 hours) featuring 12 video modules, followed by a test with a passing mark of 75%. This course may be completed in multiple sittings. 

Description: The course content covers the classification of infectious agents by Risk Group, risk assessments and requirements for Containment Level 1, 2, and 3 laboratories, proper use of biosafety cabinets and autoclaves, biosecurity, and emergency response.

RefresherEHS 602 - Biosafety Refresher (online). This 1-hour refresher course must be taken annually following the completion of EHS 601.


EHS 603 - Bloodborne Pathogens

Required for: All personnel need to complete this course prior to starting work or study with:

  • Bloodborne pathogens such as prions, hepatitis B or C virus, and HIV virus;
  • Human blood products, such as whole blood, plasma, serum, platelets, and white cells; or other human body fluids such as semen, cerebrospinal fluid, vaginal secretions, joint fluid, pleural fluid, peritoneal fluid, pericardial fluid, or amniotic fluid;
  • Human tissue, organs, or primary cell cultures;
  • Animals, or animal blood or body fluids or unfixed tissues, infected with bloodborne pathogens, OR performing tasks where such animals are housed.

Prerequisites: EHS 601 - Biosafety.

Includes: Online course (approx. 2.5 hours) followed by a test with a passing mark of 80%.

Description: This course reviews bloodborne pathogens and exposure control principles, practices, and requirements as mandated by the Occupational Health and Safety Act and other regulations and guidelines.  The course covers immunization, post-exposure prophylaxis and other emergency response measures and reporting requirements.

Refresher: None. You are required to complete this course one time only.