
Field Safety

Conducting research or teaching in the field presents risks to those who participate. The nature of these risks varies depending on the type of work you are doing and the geographical location. Regardless of whether your work takes place in the GTA, Canada or another country, be sure to speak to your supervisor or instructor about , and familiarize yourself with the relevant health and safety procedures and training requirements before going into the field.

Rudy Boonstra

Guidelines on Safety in Field Research

The  contain detailed guidance for planning field research and implementing the requirements for reasonable care. These administrative guidelines and procedures accompany the  and apply to all in-country and out-of-country field research activities. Specifically, the guidelines include information on the following topics:

  • Insurance coverage
  • Continuance of university benefits
  • Health insurance coverage while outside Canada
  • Workplace Safety and Insurance Board benefits
  • Travel health immunization guidelines
  • Travel advisory reports

The guidelines also reference the  to assist in assessing the risks and documenting any precautions taken. This form should be completed by the Academic Supervisor and submitted to the Department Chair (or equivalent), prior to departure on field research.

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