
Studio Art Major (HBA)

Admissions Category: Visual & Performing Arts, Arts Management, and Media

Students in an art gallery

Program Overview

The Studio Art program at UTSC offers hands-on courses in drawing, painting, sculpture, photography, performance art, video, new media, animation, and conceptual practices. Students can also take specialized courses in digital imaging, sound art, kinetics, or thematic courses that explore such things as the relationships between art and globalization, or art and politics, or time-based art practices.  

UTSC Studio Art students develop a combination of technical, theoretical, conceptual and critical skills that enable them to express and communicate their ideas confidently in a variety of visual languages.

Complementary Programs:

New Media StudiesMedia StudiesArts ManagementArt History and Visual CultureMinor in English Literature, Minor in Creative WritingMinor in Literature and Film.

Check out future career opportunities and skills acquired from completing this program:

Competencies & Skills

  • Communicate ideas using images, design, and a range of digital technologies
  • Imagine and make objects, pictures, digital and video media, and events
  • Use technologies (cameras, audio equipment, lighting, circuitry, imaging software) for artistic and creative work
  • Analyze text, images, sound and data from a creative and unorthodox perspective
  • Articulate and present abstract concepts

Careers for Graduates

  • Professional Artist
  • Media Producer
  • Professional Photographer
  • Animator and Illustrator
  • Graphic Designer/Social Media Designer
  • Elementary, secondary, post-secondary Educator
  • Curator
  • Art Critic and Arts Publisher
  • Arts Manager
  • Artistic Director for an arts organization

Further Education

  • Fine Arts
  • Interactive Media Design or Graphic Design
  • Digital Media or Design
  • Teacher Education
  • Curatorial Studies
  • Art History
  • Art Conservation
  • Architectural Studies
  • Media Studies
  • Advertising

Program Pathway

Year 1 | Year 2 | Year 3 | Year 4

Year 1
Choose Your Courses Wisely
  • Take , , , and .
  • Take other intro courses of interest in artistic media: , , , , , .
  • Apply to the Studio Art Program after year 1.
  • Meet with the ACM Program Manager to discuss course enrollment.

Develop Your Academic & Research Skills
  • Introductory courses in Studio Art will challenge you to problem solve and express yourself in various artistic media, to develop useful technical skills, and to develop creative concepts.
  • Make use of the resources at the  to enhance your writing skills.

Apply Theory to Practice
  • Submit your work to participate in the ACM Studio Art Student Exhibition, held annually at UTSC.
  • Technicians and professors have drop-in hours to help you develop your technical, artistic, academic, and research skills.
  • Check  for arts related workshops offered by Studio Art technicians or visiting artists.

Become an Engaged Citizen (Locally & Globally)
  • Volunteer at UTSC鈥檚 student-run Gallery 1265.
  • Enroll in the ACM Engage! Program, to participate and contribute to the arts beyond your classes.
  • Get involved with the  (ACMSA).
  • Attend the lunchtime Visiting Artist Lectures Series and listen to professional artists talk about their artworks and their artistic journeys.

Plan for Your Future Career
  • It is always good to have awards listed on your resume/CV; apply for awards that recognize research potential in students enrolled in Studio Art.
  • The ACM Studio Art Student Exhibition awards students across all years of study.
  • Volunteer with organizations to explore your interests; check listings on  

Year 2
Choose Your Courses Wisely
  • Take  and explore B-levels in different artistic media.
  • Take courses in media such as Performance Art, Video Art, and Kinetic Sculpture.
  • Ensure you meet the prerequisites for the VPS C-level courses you intend to take next year.
  • Use  to ensure you are on track with your degree.

Develop Your Academic & Research Skills
  • Work with more advanced fabrication tools, software, and materials, and spend time practicing technique-as-research.
  • Sign out and experiment with digital equipment available to Studio Art students such as cameras, lights, tripods, audio recorders, and microphones to make digital images, short films, and sound works.

Apply Theory to Practice
Become an Engaged Citizen (Locally & Globally)
  • Apply for a  
  • Get a Work Study or volunteer position at the , UTSC鈥檚 professional public art gallery.
  • Subscribe to on-line magazines and forums such as: , , .

Plan for Your Future Career
  • Volunteer at art galleries and arts festivals such as , the , the , , , , , the , and .
  • Explore careers through the AA&CC鈥檚 Job Shadowing and In The Field programs.

Year 3
Choose Your Courses Wisely
  • Take 0.5 credit or more from the following: , , , , , .
  • Complete 3.5 additional credits in VPS (at least 1.0 credit should be at the C-level) by the end of Year 3 so that you can take D-level courses in Year 4.
  • Use  to ensure you are on track to graduate.

Develop Your Academic & Research Skills
  • VPS C-level courses combine research and contemporary theory with the technical and conceptual abilities you developed in B-levels.
  • Courses such as Studio Practice will guide you through the process of independently researching and developing an artwork specifically for exhibition.
  • Present your work at the annual ACM Research Symposium.

Apply Theory to Practice
  • Take a Studio Art  course such as Urban Studio Hong Kong to explore international art and the role of contemporary art in cities today.  
  • Submit your work to student competitions at UofT: ACM Studio Art Student Exhibition, , .

Become an Engaged Citizen (Locally & Globally)
  • Take Studio Art courses that will introduce you to ways that artists engage social issues at a local and global level such as  and , and .
  • Apply for the IDEAS grant.
  • Apply for an executive role to help organize .
  • Apply for a  position to work in Gallery 1265 and continue to learn how to mount exhibitions.

Plan for Your Future Career
  • Seek advice from Studio Art professors and the AA&CC about possible career paths, graduate school application materials, and deadlines.
  • Attend the Alumni Graduate School Panel held annually by Studio Art.
  • Attend the UTSC Professional & Graduate School Fair in September to explore graduate programs, and consider attending Open Houses.

Year 4
Choose Your Courses Wisely
  • Take 1.0 VPS D-level credit and make your most advanced and ambitious artworks to date.
  • Select D-level courses in Studio Art and culminate in a public exhibition of your work to celebrate your achievements.
  • Use  and meet with your Advisor to ensure you are on track to graduate.
  • Register your 鈥淚ntent to Graduate鈥 on  by the deadline.

Develop Your Academic & Research Skills
  • D-level courses emphasize independent research and making, alongside practical discussions of professional development and career paths for young artists.
  • Ambitious students have the option of proposing an Independent Study to work with a professor (a month in advance of term) on a focused artistic research project.

Apply Theory to Practice
  • Submit your work for competition in the local art community: the competition; the  at Trinity Square Video; and the  program.
  • Stellar students can work with a Studio Art professor as a Research or Studio Assistant.

Become an Engaged Citizen (Locally & Globally)
  • Talk to your professors about opportunities to take your artistic and organizational skills out into the local community and abroad, through volunteer work and internships.
  • Serve in an executive role to help organize .
  • Apply for a  (Gallery 1265 and take a leadership role.

Plan for Your Future Career


  • AACC - Academic Advising and Career Centre (www.utsc.utoronto.ca/aacc)
  • ACMSA - Arts Culture and Media Student Association (https://utscacmsa.wixsite.com/my-site)
  • CCR - Co-Curricular Record (https://clnx.utoronto.ca/ccr/overview.htm)
  • CLNx - Career Co-Curricular Learning Network (https://clnx.utoronto.ca/home.htm)
  • CTL - Centre for Teaching and Learning (/ctl)
  • DSL - Department of Student Life (/studentlife)
  • EDA - Equity and Diversity in the Arts (/acm/equity-and-diversity-arts-ideas)
  • ISC - International Student Centre (/utscinternational)
  • SCSU - Scarborough Campus Students Union (https://www.scsu.ca)


Departmental Contact

Manaal Hussain

E-mail: manaal.hussain@utoronto.ca
Phone: 416-208-5115


Studio Art Librarian

Paulina Rousseau

E-mail: paulina.rousseau@utoronto.ca
Location: ARC main floor
Phone: 416-208-5190

Academic Advising & Career Centre

Location: AC213
Phone: 416-287-7561

Department of Student Life

Location: SL157
Phone: 416-208-4760


Arts, Culture and Media Student Association

Did You Know?

Students creating art using technology

All Studio Art faculty are professional artists exhibiting their art world wide.