
Creative Writing at UTSC

Creative Writing Alumni Gathering (2019)

Welcome to the Creative Writing program at UTSC English!

Embark on your journey as a writer with either our major or minor program. Our program is workshop-based and takes an experiential approach to the study and practice of the literary arts. This approach allows you to thrive in a supportive and personalized writing environment, benefiting from the expertise of our faculty and constructive peer reviews. Our program emphasizes your professional development as a practicing writer, offering exposure to Toronto's vibrant literary scene and opportunities to develop your own chapbook publications.

The Creative Writing program's integration within the scholarly framework of the English department offers you access to the diverse research and teaching expertise of our faculty. Our professors work in various fields connected to creative writing and are active in writing, filmmaking, and other creative endeavors. They often incorporate creative assignments into their classes, enriching your learning experience.

One of the standout qualities of our creative writing program is the sense of community and support. Within the English Department and across the UTSC campus, you will find a close-knit network of writers offering friendship and encouragement, events geared towards your development as a working writer, and professional opportunities, making your creative journey even more rewarding.

Please feel free to explore the specific programs and opportunities below for a deeper dive into Creative Writing at UTSC. You can also contact the program advisor, Daniel Tysdale, at creative-writing@utsc.utoronto.ca.

We look forward to meeting you, and reading your work!