
Major in English

Prof. Sarah King teaching a small group of students

The Major program in English literature is a popular choice among students wanting to combine their interests in literary studies with another subject area. Sometimes those subject areas are closely related, enabling students to gain deeper insight into the multidisciplinary facets of English literature. In other cases, students select the Major so as to combine differing interests during their undergraduate studies. Either way, bringing the study of English literature into dialogue with another field gives students valuable perspective and flexibility as they prepare for graduate school or other professional paths.

Requirements for the Major Program   

7.5 credits in English are required of which at least 2.0 must be at the C- or D-level. They should be selected as follows:

  1.   What Is Literature?
  2.  Critical Writing about Literature 
  3.   Charting Literary History I 
  4.   Charting Literary History II 
  5.  0.5 credit from English courses whose content is pre-1900 
  6.  0.5 FCE in Indigenous Literatures of Turtle Island
  7.  0.5 credit in English at the D-level.
  8.  4.0 additional credits in English

If you have already declared your English Specialist (by or before Fall term 2024) you may complete your degree using either the old requirements or the new ones: that is, you can EITHER take 1.0 FCE pre-1900 OR .5 FCE pre-1900 and .5 FCE Indigenous Literatures of Turtle Island.

For more details on program requirements, visit the . Questions about program requirements should be directed to the Program Supervisor, Professor Kara Gaston (english-program-supervisor@utsc.utoronto.ca). 

Interested in learning more about how our courses are structured and how you might develop your own path through your Specialist program in English? Visit our Routes and Threads page.