
General Resources

person sitting in front of a computer

The University of Toronto and the UTSC campus have an enormous wealth of resources at your disposal. We cannot include all of them here, but we would like to point you to a few that may be particularly useful, including general campus resources, as well as internet and print resources.

We also encourage you to peruse our general introductory packet, which is available by clicking the link below (you can also option+click or ctrl+click to download your own copy).

"Introduction to English at UTSC" Info Packet


General Resources:

CTL Writing Support, a.k.a. The Writing Centre

Location: AC 210


The Writing Centre is a multifaceted resource for helping you craft any and all writing assignments, from understanding the assignment instructions to appropriate researching (and avoiding plagiarism) to writing techniques to reviewing and revising for submission to understanding your prof’s feedback and figuring out how to improve. The Writing Centre is best used ahead of time — don’t wait until the last minute to book your appointment.

The English Language Development Centre

Location: AC 310


The ELDC offers support of all kinds for any students who are looking to improve their use of English at the university level, and their services are not meant only for non-native speakers — even if you are fluent in English, you might benefit from the programs and resources offered by the ELDC. In particular, you may be interested in using their Academic English Health Check, a quick computer-based assessment of your language skills: 

The UTSC Library (Bladen)


English Liaison Librarian: Chad Crichton (ccrichton@utsc.utoronto.ca)

The library is where you go for books, obviously, but perhaps less obviously it is a resource you can access for help and advice of all kinds, from researching to technology to course-specific research guides to group study rooms.

AccessAbility Services

Location: SW 302


The mandate of UTSC’s AccesAbility is to provide support and accommodations for students with disabilities (whether physical, sensory, learning, or mental health) and other medical conditions.

Health and Wellness Centre

Location: SL 270


You can find help, guidance, and resources of all different kinds at the Health & Wellness Centre. Their mission is to help our campus and our community feel better and be better.

You can also reach out to our department's own Embedded Counsellor, Leah Erlich. Click here for details.

Off-Campus Mental Health Resources

Other than campus resoureces like UTSC's Health and Wellness Centre and the English Department's Embedded Counsellor, there are other local resources to help you manage your mental health.

Mental Health and Emergency Counselling

Good to Talk is a free, confidential, and anonymous helpline providing professional counselling and information and referrals for mental health, addictions and well-being to post-secondary student in Ontario.

Available 24/7/365 days a year. 
Call 1-866-925-5454 or Dial 2-1-1. Website: 

Gerstein Crisis Centre
Offers accessible support and recovery for individuals experiencing mental health crises. Staff are trained in crisis intervention, suicide intervention, harm reduction and work from a trauma informed perspective.
Available 24/7/365 days a year. Call 416-929-5200. Website: 

Provides free and confidential health services information for people experiencing problems with alcohol and drugs, mental illness, or gambling.
Available 24/7/365 days a year. Call 1-866-531-2600. Website: 

Sexual Violence Education/Prevention Training 

UofT is providing online training modules for education about, resources on, and prevention of sexual violence. The module is available through Portal. Exact information on how to access it can be found here: 

Internet and Print Resources:

For help in researching and writing your assignments (e.g., bibliographies, proposals, lit reviews, and essays), our Liaison Librarian, Chad Crichton, has set up a Research Guide specifically for English courses that you might find a good jumping-off place: 

Courses in the English department use MLA conventions for citation and essay format. The current MLA Handbook will be a valuable resource throughout your degree, and we recommend either purchasing a copy of the Handbook or getting familiar with its location in the UofT Library: 

The standard and best dictionary for working in English literature is the Oxford English Dictionary (OED), which can be accessed directly whenever you are on a UofT network at , or can be accessed through the library website when off-campus: 

Oxford Reference is a searchable digitized collection of scholarly reference works in a wide range of subjects, for when you need a definition or explanation of a period, term, theory, or author (among many other options). As with the OED, it can be accessed directly from a UofT network () or through the library website when off-campus: 

Two of the most common databases for scholarly journal articles in English literature are:

  • MLA International Bibliography
  •  JSTOR

Plagiarism â€” which is representing the ideas and words of someone else as your own — is a serious offense in any English course. We strongly recommend that you familiarize yourself with the concerns of Academic Integrity as expressed in UofT’s Code of Behaviour on Academic Matters, and that you fortify yourself with strategies for understanding, recognizing, and avoiding plagiarism before you find yourself in a precarious position. There are many resources for learning the skills that will help you avoid any problems with Academic Integrity, including everything from proper citation to effective time management.

  • University of Toronto’s Academic Integrity guide
  • Writing Advice: How Not to Plagiarize: 
  • Citing Sources and Creating a Bibliography: 

The Writing Centre, the UTSC Library, and your professors will all have tips and tricks for effective researching — remember that you don’t have to go it alone, and that the sooner you seek help and advice, the better it will serve you.