
Choosing Your Program

Need help choosing your program? 
Review the Choosing Your Program 2024 information below!

To view the Choosing Your Program Month list of Events - Click HERE!

Many people think picking a major and picking a career are the same thing or that the program(s) they pick now will determine their lifelong careers. Although program selection does require careful consideration, it鈥檚 important to remember that:

  • 20-50% of all students entering university are undecided about their majors
  • 50-70% of students change their majors at least once during their studies
  • most individuals will change their positions and careers 6-7 times over a lifetime

Consider these Factors when Choosing Your Academic Program

What are you interested in? Studying subjects of interest to you means you will be more likely to enjoy your time at university, be more focused in your learning and potentially achieve higher marks.

Where do your strengths lie? Assess your strengths and understand the skills and abilities required by various programs. Choosing a program that aligns with your strengths increases your likelihood of academic success.

What courses have you done well in? Assess which courses you did well in (high school or university), look at programs in those subject areas.

Is enrolment in the program limited? Enrolment in some programs is limited and you have to meet standards to gain admittance. Refer to the UTSC Calendar for prerequisites and grade requirements.

Is a Co-op or Joint Program right for me? U of T offers a range of  that enable you to gain on-the-job experience while studying.  enable you to earn a U of T degree and a diploma or certificate from Centennial College. Be sure to review the requirements.

What career opportunities are available with this program? Assess your skills, interests and values by taking advantage of the Academic Advising & Career Centre (AA&CC) services and resources to find career options that are right for you.

Exploring Your Program Options

To explore all of your program options, review the Explore Your Program Options page to find out more about programs offered at UTSC. This page connects you to program specific student testimonials and the Calendar listings.

Visit the links below for more information about programs offered at UTSC and their requirements:

Choosing Your Program Online Guide

Use the Choosing Your Program Guide to help you choose your program. It will walk you through: program selection regulations and time frames; how to request a program on ACORN; self-assessment of skills, interests and goals; research and exploration of program and career options; decision making steps and evaluation of choices. This user friendly guide allows you to review all of the steps or just the ones you need!

Choosing Your Program Month

The Academic Advising & Career Centre holds Choosing Your Program Month each year in March. This series of events is designed to assist you in choosing or changing your program of study. Be sure to attend the "main event" - The Choosing Your Program Fair. In preparation for the fair, review the tipsheet - Preparing for the Choosing Your Program Fair.

What Can I do with my Degree?

The program(s) you choose will help you build skills that are transferable to many different occupations and industries. Our Program Pathways are a great resource to help you identify some possible career opportunities related to programs of study.

Employers generally look for students who are well-rounded, so make sure you get involved and build on your transferable skills. Consider getting a volunteer position or join a student club. Also, be sure to participate in AA&CC services and events to learn more about what employers, graduate studies and professional schools are looking for.

Additional Resources to Help you Choose a Program

I'm ready to add my program(s). What are my next steps?

The Registrar's Office website has more information about adding or changing programs on ACORN and tracking your progress in Degree Explorer. The Calendar details important regulations concerning program selection, limited versus unlimited programs, and co-op and joint programs.

  • To view an a demo on how to add your program on ACORN,  and scroll down to Program Enrolment. Remember to select UTSC as your campus.

Tracking Your Degree and Program

To help you track and plan your Degree and Program(s), the Academic Advising & Career Centre has created a collection of resources that will guide you on your path to graduation. Visit the links below for more information: