
Student Organizations

Requesting a Presentation

To request a presentation or collaboration, please complete the request form at least 3-4 weeks before the event.

Examples of Previous Collaborations with UTSC Student Organizations

  • Graduate Seminar for Chemistry (Chemistry Club)
  • Career Options for Chemistry Students (Chemistry Club)
  • Graduate School Panel (PNDA)
  • Working with Words Career Panel (SCSU & Association of English Students)
  • Networking Nights (EPSA, PNDA, BioSA, Chemistry Society, AMACSS)
  • Dream Jobs (SCSU)
  • Volunteer Fair (SCSU)
  • Working in Law (SOSSA)
  • Applying to U of T Law School (SOSSA)
  • Health Studies Mix & Mingle (HSSA)
  • Psychology Career Panel (PNDA)
  • Environmental Industry Fair (EPSA)