
Networking Events

students talking in a room in groups

In addition to fairs, there are a variety of opportunities to make connections at events hosted throughout the year. Networking events provide you with an opportunity to learn about different careers, the current job market, and the transition from school to work from a professional currently working in the field (i.e., an employer and/or alumni). Do your homework to learn about different fields beforehand, check our Industry and Labour Market Research [PDF] tip sheet.

What to Expect

The format is generally set up as a "speed networking" session where you will be at a table (in person or virtually) with a professional and approximately 5 other students. After quick introductions, the professional will share their career story and answer any questions you and the other students might have. Every 15 minutes, another professional will be assigned to your table and so on for 3-5 different rotations. This is sometimes followed by an open reception where you can meet all the professionals, network and speak with them one-on-one.

Register for these events and others via the .