
Online Education

woman looking at computer

Online Education

Have you heard of Massive Open Online Courses, or MOOCs? They are courses that you can take online, generally at no cost unless you want a certificate proving you completed it, which you can use to build your skill sets.

Skills you can learn through MOOCs include:

  • computer programming and data analysis
  • business management and entrepreneurship
  • art, poetry and music

Also, MOOCs offer various career advancement courses in collaboration with tech industry leaders including Google (see Udacity), on topics like:

  • how to strengthen your social network and brand
  • VR interview prep
  • optimizing your GitHub (ie, online portfolio)

and more!

See the following pages for more information about MOOCs:


Some of the largest providers of MOOCs are:

One way to learn and possibly get noticed by an employer is to participate in competitions and company-sponsored projects! Search on your own via Google and on platforms like LinkedIn, but you can also find some of them here: