
Information Sessions

two people talking in the hallway

Employer Information Sessions are an excellent opportunity to gather information about an organization, make connections with recruiters and hiring managers and show that you are genuinely interested in their organization. The information you gather can also help you decide whether or not to pursue employment with them. Sessions usually start with a presentation by the employer about the organization and the positions advertised on . A group question and answer usually follows the presentation. Sometimes there are small group networking opportunities with the employer reps via breakout rooms.

How to Prepare

  • Research the organization thoroughly (check our Company Research [PDF] tip sheet)
  • Check CLNx and their website for current job postings - read them carefully.
  • Prepare questions to ask in the group and with individual recruiters.
  • Prepare a 15-30 second introduction.
  • Arrive 5 minutes early; arriving late will disrupt the session.
  • Dress for success (review the event listing for more info).