
Advising Resources

Books on library shelves

The Academic Advising & Career Centre strives to work in collaboration with others on campus who advise students through sharing tools, resources and best practices to ensure that UTSC students are receiving the best possible advice and guidance as they navigate through their university experience. The resources included on this page are intended to help advisors to maximize the advising time that they have with students.

Best Practices

Advising Resources

  • UTSC Advising Syllabus
  • Program Pathways
  • UTSC Program Advisors meeting. These meetings are held once per term and allow for professional development opportunities along with a chance to share and gain information among advising colleagues. If you would like to be included such meetings, please email Jen Tigno for more information.
  •  (Facebook page to help you stay connected with the Canadian Advising Community)
  •  (Advising in Canada Blog - posts reflect advising across the country)

Advisor Self-Care

  • Recommended book on self care : The Resilient Practitioner: Burnout Prevention and Self-Care Strategies for Counselors, Therapists, Teachers, and Health Professionals Second Edition, Thomas M, Skovholt and Michelle Trotter-Mathison

Professional Development Opportunities

Training Opportunities

News & Events

  • Plan to attend the "Campus Advising Group" meeting on Thursday, January 28th from 9 - 10:30.

Advising Matters Newsletter

The AA&CC publishes the "Advising Matters" newsletter each semester for Faculty and Staff.  It is full of staff news, academic updates, PD opportunities, etc.  Click here to sign up to receive this newsletter or to view newsletters.

AA&CC Publications

Related Publications

Interesting Articles