
Probation and Suspension

AA&CC Services

The AA&CC offers services to assist you if you are on suspension or probation and want to return to your studies and improve your GPA:

Academic Standing

Academic standing is determined when you have attempted at least three full credits (six half courses) at U of T. Your standing is assessed at the end of each academic session you are enrolled in. You will be assigned a in each course on your statement of grades. Refer to the and the for more information.

How to Calculate Your GPA  

Your GPA is the average of the grade point values that you have earned in the credit courses you have taken at UTSC. Review the How to Calculate Your GPA tipsheet and use the .

Courses not included in Your GPA:

  • Courses you have taken at another university
  • Courses you have taken at other faculties of the University of Toronto with the exception of the Faculty of Arts and Science
  • "Extra courses" that you have taken at UTSC
  • Courses that you have passed that have no grade point value such as CR/NCR courses

Types of GPAs

  • Sessional GPA: The average of courses you took in each of the following sessions: Fall (September - December), Winter (January - April), or Summer (May - August)
  • Cumulative GPA: The average of all the courses taken during your career at UTSC. This includes failed courses and summer session courses

In Good Standing

Students who maintain a cumulative grade point average of 1.60 or better are said to be "in good standing".


Make an appointment with an Academic & Learning Strategist to talk about your future plans if you have been placed on suspension.

  • Students returning from suspension shall be placed on probation.


Students who have attempted at least three full credit equivalents and have a cumulative GPA of less than 1.60 are placed on probation. Probation is meant to be a warning signal, which alerts you to the fact that your academic performance was below standard and needs to be improved. Proactive and immediate action on your part can help to turn this situation around and get you back on the road to success. This may include:

  • Changing your program of study
  • Improving your study habits
  • Reducing your course load

Download the Academic Probation - The Next Step tipsheet

Probation Cleared

Students may clear probation by achieving a cumulative GPA of 1.60 or better. Students who have cleared probation shall be said to be again "in good standing."

Probation Continued 

Students may continue on probation by achieving a sessional GPA of at least 1.60 in each session until such time as they return to good standing.