
Careers & Employment Appointments

Student talking to a Career Counsellor

Booking an Appointment with a Career Counsellor or Strategist

  • Contact us to arrange a conversation. Student have access to career supports up to 2 years after their convocation.

Career Strategy

  • Gain up-to-date job search skills and strategies
  • Discuss employment related issues and develop job-search techniques
  • Understand graduate school admissions processes and improve your application documents
  • Develop a plan to gain volunteer and work experiences for post-graduation employment or graduate studies applications
  • Prepare for employment and further education interviews - mock interviews available

Career Counselling

  • Discover your strengths, skills and interests, and generate career options
  • Explore professional or graduate school options
  • Answer the question, what can I do with my degree?

Resume, LinkedIn & Cover Letter Critiques

Employment Peer Coaches are senior students trained to advise you on techniques to improve your job search documents.

  • Meet with a Peer Coach who you can critique your resumes, cover letters and LinkedIn profile
  • Learn how to prepare a well written resume and cover letter
  • NEW: Get tips on how to prepare to answer the most common interview questions

Booking an Employment Peer Appointment

  • Log in to  go to Appointments > UTSC (Scarborough) > Academic Advising & Career Centre > Book AA&CC Peer Appointments
  • Click on Book by Appointment Type
  • Click on AACC Peers - Employment

Professional and Graduate School Applications

Professional and Graduate School Peer Coaches are current graduate students trained to coach you on understanding further education admissions processes, and to advise you on techniques to improve you application documents.

  • Learn how to read admissions webpages and instructions for key information
  • Meet with a Peer Coach who you can critique your resume/CV and/or personal statement

Booking a P&G Peer Appointment (Fall/Winter Only)

  • Log in to  go to Appointments > UTSC (Scarborough) > Academic Advising & Career Centre > Book AA&CC Peer Appointments
  • Click on Book by Appointment Type
  • Click on AACC Peers - Grad School