
Arts Management Specialist (HBA)

Admissions Category: Visual & Performing Arts, Arts Management, and Media

Program Overview

As the longest running Arts Management program in the country, we offer an ideal balance of courses within the arts disciplines, business school courses, and a wealth of arts-specific management courses. Students develop the knowledge and skills to become professionals within the arts, learning to lead and manage galleries, museums, performing arts companies, and many other related areas. Every year, graduating students are offered positions in the very organizations in which they completed field placements and research. This degree program at UTSC is the largest, most robust, and varied of its kind in the country, and has been used as a model for similar programs around the world.

You have the choice to study in the General Stream designed to give you a broad and deep understanding of Arts Management without full field placements or the Field Placement Stream that will enhance your understanding through a minimum of two 300-hour not-for-credit placements. Learn more about the  program in the Academic Calendar.

Complementary Programs:

New Media StudiesMedia StudiesArts and Media ManagementArt History and Visual CultureMinor in English Literature, Minor in Creative WritingMinor in Literature and Film.